KOTLC Second Book, Ch. 58: Capturing the Alicorn

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Amaly waited on the cliff as the rest of the Neverseen was down below, ready to strike. Their mission: to capture the alicorn. Amaly understood the importance of the mission, plus the danger that came with it. They could easily fail, but the adults deemed it best. If they took the alicorn, the Council would have no choice but to listen to the Neverseen. They had to succeed.

Amaly peered at the elves below in their long, black cloaks. She was given a signal and, just as she was told, she threw down the net which landed on the alicorn. Amaly waited on the cliff, watching the damage unfold from a distance. The Neverseen stepped out of the shadows as two teenagers, a boy and a girl, stood, dumbfounded at the cloaked figures. The boy took out a melder and shot one of Amaly's partners.

"They have a melder!" one of the cloaked figures yelled.

"No crap Sherlock," Amaly said under her breath, reverting back to those interesting human phrases she had heard in the past.

Amaly started down the cliff to the level everyone else was on, slipping into the shadows. The two teenagers conversed in loud conversation.

"Don't hit the alicorn!" someone shouted over the teenagers' voices.

"Isn't this the point where you develop some new, impossible ability and get us out of here?" the boy called to the girl.

"I wish," the girl answered. "Nothing's working right now."

Amaly's eyes followed the fighting. She would intervene if needed, but her orders were simple: stay out of sight. She'd be called if needed. Amaly craved to do more, but she knew it would be best to do what she was told. One of the Neverseen members lassoed the alicorn and the beautiful creature screeched in pain as it harshly fell on the ground. The more the Neverseen fought for the alicorn, the more they hurt the flying horse. That wouldn't end well for anyone if the animal was in bad shape.

A bloated man came out of the cave with a cluster of dwarves around him. Amaly didn't have to think. She had to send a signal, but most of all, save the alicorn, even if it would cost her the Council keeping their undeserved power.

Amaly raised her hand at the ruckus and a bright light erupted from her palm, followed by a cracking sound which caused the Neverseen to fall to the ground. That wasn't from her... was it?

"Get out of here," the wrinkled man yelled at the two struggling teenagers. The Neverseen advanced on him. "Leap Sophie home, Keefe!"

Sophie and Keefe? That's who they were going against? Amaly should've put two and two together. Why hadn't she been told?

A crack split the sky and Amaly watched as Sophie and Keefe disappeared. They had failed the mission because of her.

"Retreat," her leader said. "Retreat!"

The Neverseen fled the battlefield, light leaping to their hideout. Amaly waited until all were gone to come out of her hiding spot to face the bloated man. Her hood covered her face, shielding her more in the darkness than she would've wanted.

"Have you ever thought of switching sides?" the man asked.

"I've thought of switching my leaders," Amaly corrected. She turned to leave, then halted. "You're welcome," she said, taking her crystal out and leaping away.


"Why did you intervene?" Lady Gisela asked immediately after Amaly arrived. "You do know you cost us the mission, right?"

"We cannot bargain with a half-dead alicorn," Amaly said. "Besides, there were more people coming. We would've lost the creature anyway."

"We could've taken it."

"But what would it have cost us? It's life? That would've gained us nothing."

"It would've created more fear and disruption, which is exactly what we need to earn power."

"But the Council would've still had the power you want. We have to try a different approach if we want to steal the alicorn."

Lady Gisela stared Amaly down. "You are intelligent for your age. More than my son ever was...or will be." She turned her back to Amaly. "It was a good call. Next time ask for permission. Your accomplishments in the present may just affect the future. Bad or good, we have to be ready. You are dismissed. Go home."

Amaly nodded and light leapt to Silverwoods, arriving at the front door. She went inside to an almost empty house, for her parents were gone for business. She left to her bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror, still wearing her black cloak with the white eye on the shoulder. She tore it off quickly and shuddered, knowing she had done the right thing that day, but was afraid of what she would do the next.

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