KOTLC Third Book: How do you Heal Minds?

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So I don't know how reactions to this little one shot will be like, especially because of the ending and whatnot, but I hope you'll still enjoy! 

(Also, the picture at the top, although not perfect, is Amaly and Sophie. I tried my best converting Biana to Amaly with just a mouse, so it's definatley not my best work. But now you get an idea of what Amaly looks like!)

Amaly wanted to tell Sophie that it was a good idea to heal Fintan. Afterall, he was an elf Amaly had to look up to in life. Amaly knew, though, that it was very dangerous to do so. Knowing the people around her, and let's not forget Sophie, assumptions of her in the Neverseen were highly likable. Instead, she let Stina be a jerk to the poor girl and left for class.

Lunch arrived and Amaly sat down at a table with her friends: Kell, Nixi, Breck, and Levis. She waited for Sophie to arrive with her own friends so Amaly could ask the pressing question that weighed on her mind.

"Hey, you good?" Nixi asked, eyeing Amaly suspiciously.

"Oh, yeah," Amaly smiled. "I'm just waiting for someone."

"Who?" Breck and Levis said at the same time.

"Sophie," Amaly answered.

Kell turned around in his seat and nudged Amaly. "Well there she is now. I guess we'll see you soon."

Amaly walked over to Sophie's table, wondering if this was really the way to go and if she should turn back or not. Her feet kept leading her on to the table where Sophie sat, so she really had no choice but to concede.

"Hey," Amaly greeted as she stopped in front of the group of friends.

"Hi," Sophie smiled, worry and exhaustion clouding her eyes.

"I need to ask you a quick question. One that doesn't involve extra ears listening in."

Keefe started ooing, and both Sophie and Amaly shot a glare at him.

"Shut up," they said simultaneously.

"Please?" Amaly pleaded.

"Sure," Sophie followed Amaly to an empty table in the corner of the room. "What's your question?"

"How do you heal broken minds?" Amaly asked, cutting right to the chase.

"What do you mean?" Sophie's eyes widened.

"I mean, how do you heal broken minds?" Amaly repeated.

Sophie blankly stared at the curious girl in front of her.

"Sophie, it's not that hard to understand. I just want to know how you do it."

"Why should I tell you?" Sophie crossed her arms.

"Why should you not? Is it really that important that it needs to be classified?"

Sophie sighed, closing her eyes and rubbing her temples.

"Do not read my mind," Amaly warned, blocking her mind with an extra sheet of bright light.

Sophie snapped her eyes open, clearly dazed. "I...wasn't going to." Sophie rubbed the back of her neck. "I know you want to help with Fintan, but you can't. This is my responsibility and no one else's."

Amaly smacked her forehead. "I don't want to help! I just want an answer to a simple question."

Their conversation diminished, leaving the two girls looking at each other, waiting for the other one to speak. Sophie broke the silence first.

"If you really want to know, here it is. I go into their mind and search it, looking for a light because there's always something left in a person, even if they're gone," Sophie explained. "When I find the light, I call their name and other names of people they love and heal them."

It was Amaly's turn to stare blankly. "That's...all you do? That's it?"

Sophie nodded. "I'm guessing you were expecting something more complicated? I will say that the explanation sounds easy, but doing it is another story. It's the most dangerous thing your mind will ever be in. My advice: don't do it. I don't know what you are but a telepath, but don't try putting your mind in that kind of danger. I do know your mind is strong because I have no idea how I couldn't get past your blocking-"

"You told me you weren't trying to," Amaly glared.

"I know I shouldn't have done it, or lied, but no one is able to do that but you! I don't know why or how, but I do know I won't tell anyone. I know the Council and everyone else around us. Both of us would be in trouble, but do not think you are strong enough to heal a mind just because you blocked me from entering yours. That's not how it works. Promise me you won't."

Her eyes pleaded for Amaly to say yes.

"I promise," Amaly said.

"Thank you." Sophie's shoulders dropped from the solved tension. "We should get back to our friends. They're probably wondering what's taking so long."

"Agreed," Amaly got up from her seat. "See you around Sophie."

"You too, Amaly."

Amaly returned to her seat and ate the lunch in front of her. She barely listened to the conversation that took place around her. The only thing she could think about was what Sophie had said: "I don't know how I couldn't get past your blocking." But another statement lingered in her mind: "I go into their mind and search it, looking for a light because there's always something left in a person, even if they're gone."

Amaly knew she had crazy ideas all the time, but she wondered if this new one was actually probable. She found light everywhere; she could manipulate it; feel it. If she could do that and was a telepath, would she be able to heal minds too?

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