KOTLC Fourth Book: A New Ability

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(I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to repost, but I've had a lot of stuff on my plate including school and extra cirriculars. But, I'm back! And expect the next oneshot to take a long time to come out just like this one did. :) Thanks for reading!)

(Here's a small challenge: Can you find the new ability in the picture above?? I swear, it'll take you ages ;) )

"I should just quit," Nixi groaned at lunch one day. "I'm never going to get an ability."

Amaly sat at her seat, figiting with a small orb of light. "I'm sure you'll get one... at some point," Amaly told her, but she had many doubts herself. 

"My whole family has an ability, except for my mom, all of you have them, and I'm here, like my mom, talentless."

The group of friends looked at her, pity on everyone's faces.

"Don't say that," Levis said. "That'll just make everything worse."

"At least I'm not lying," Nixi mumbled.

Amaly snuffed out her light, uncomfortable from the silence weighing on the group. "I have to go," Amaly excused herself, standing up from her spot. "I have a meeting with Sir Flint."

Kell's shadow extended over to Amaly. "Where are you actually going?"

"You know, Kell... and I'm sorry," Amaly telepathically replied. She walked out of the cafeteria into the bathrooom and changed into her black cloak, the one thing she was able to hide herself in, but feared all the same. She took out her leaping crystal, and as light touched it, she vanished into thin air.

Amaly arrived at a stone house in the middle of a forest. It seemed to have been scorched by fire, smelling sweet, yet smokey at the same time. She whistled a soft tune, pulling her hood over her face.

A man in a black cloak walked out from behind the house.

"Sophie and her friends are gone, have you not noticed?" he asked.

"I am not your brother's babysitter," Amaly stated and crossed her arms, sounding annoyed.

"Then why are you here?"

"Because I'm needed. You're just tagging along."

Amaly and the elf stared at each other for a while until he broke the silence.

"When Sophie comes back, be ready to be called out to help."

"I'll be waiting," Amaly muttered.

"Be ready."

Amaly waited until he turned to leave to get out her crystal to go back to school.

"Hey!" she called to him. "You forgot to give me my new crystal!"

The man came back from behind the house and tossed the crystal towards her. Amaly caught it, and right when she was about ready to leave, a voice filled the empty air, saying, "Amaly! Amaly!"

Amaly snapped her head up and whipped around to see where the voice was coming from, but there was no direct source. It was like the voice hovered over her head, not budging from any movement.

"What did you do?" the man hissed, running towards Amaly with a muderous glare.

Amaly's eyes stared wide open as she braced herself and promised, "I didn't do anything!" She quickly leaped away, saving herself from a sudden blow by the elf. She arrived in the bathroom, the place she was at before, and left to her next class.

Her breathing was heavy as her mind raced circles around the voice calling her name and that elf almost choking her to death. That voice sounded familiar, too familiar. It was almost like it sounded exactly like-

"Amaly! I found you!"


"Amaly! We've been looking all over for you!" Nixi exclaimed, running in to give her a big hug. "Are you okay?"

Amaly nodded as her face turned green and she had an urge to throw up. She ran to the nearest bathroom and slammed the door to the stall. She had been having a long day.


"If your stories add up, then I think your assumption may be right," Councillor Emery said. "But I say you test out this...voice traveling thing again. It is very rare that a new ability is formed, since we only have so many over the course of millenia." He turned to Nixi. "Would you care to demostrate?"

"Um...sure," Nixi said unsettlingly. "I'm going to make my voice settle in that empty flower vase in the corner. At least, I'll try."

Amaly watched as her friend closed her eyes and concentrated on her voice placement. Amaly saw Nixi's lips start to move, but no sound came out, not even a breath of air. Then, Nixi's voice could be heard in the empty flower vase in the corner, just like she said it would be. Councillor Emery's eyes looked about ready to pop out of their sockets as he saw something historical happen right in front of him.

Nixi's voice stopped and then she asked, normally, "How was that?"

Councillor Emery was speechless. "I think we do have a new ability. I'll have to talk with the other councillors about classifying it, as most of them had important things to do today." He stood up and placed a hand on Nixi's shoulder. "You have a gift no one else has. Use it, and you'll have a great future in front of you."

"Thank you," Nixi smiled.

"Now you ladies may go now. Anything you need, I'll be here to answer any of your questions."

"Thank you Councillor Emery," the two girls said, curstying as they left.

"Well?!" Nixi's parents asked as they left the building.

"I think I have a new ability!" Nixi grinned.

"That's great darling!" her mother smiled. "I'm so happy for you!"

"Thanks mom."

Nixi and Amaly walked in front of Nixi's parents as they left to go outside to use their crystals to go back home.

"So? Are you glad you didn't give up?" Amaly asked Nixi.

Nixi nodded. "Thanks for beliving in me."

"No problem," Amaly solemnly smiled. If only lie-detecting was an ability, not just something empaths could do when touching someone. Amaly would be called out for it every day. It's not that she wanted to lie, but had to that she did it. And at this rate, she had forgotten if it was even a bad thing to do or not. It seemed...normal.

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