Chapter 1

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Yet another bland and normal day pass. The sound of my neighbors speaking to their children before they went to school and the sound of car horns on the road.

Every day it's been like this. No changes. Eat, sleep, work, and repeat. The cycle never ends.

Remembering how naïve I was back in high school imagining about living a fulfilling life and not getting stressed about it, I have to admit, I was foolish.

My current situation is the complete opposite of my imaginations.

After graduating high school, I entered college and picked the course Computer Hardware Engineering and Networking. Because if there is anything I'm good at in my life— that is using gadgets.

After 4 gruesome years of cramming and all-nighting, I graduated.

Shortly after, I searched online and offline for a job, which I managed to find one.

And that's where the endless cycle began. Working from 7am to 10pm. Overnighting to gain a few more money for the apartment I'm eyeing for.

After a year of still living in my parent's house, I finally moved out. I moved to a condominium near my work, and I have to say that I am quite satisfied with it.

And so, moving to my new house, nothing much changed. Eat, sleep, work, and repeat.

My only safe haven is Sundays and Christmas when we will get a few days to leave. And during those times, I would either just laze around my bed or watch anime on my phone.

  - At work -

Another overnight.

The dark circles around my eyes are visible and the coffee beside me is slowly turning cold.

'I need to finish this before Monday or else I'm gonna have another scolding.'

I was currently working I the new project the company I'm working on is developing. And let me tell you, it's tiring as hell.

I picked up my mug and drank all the coffee inside of it.
'I need more coffee'

I stood up from my seat and went for the stairs, but before I could arrive near it, I suddenly felt dizzy and all I could remember was the mug in my hand shattering.

I fell to the ground and had an insane headache attack me. I blacked out.

  - Somewhere in another dimension -

"Another one died," said a white humanoid figure with no facial features

"Place them there" another white humanoid figure said

"Here's another on— huh? Hey come look at this soul"

"What are you talking about? You're not making excuses for lazing around, are you?" Doubted the other white humanoid figure

"No you shithead, just look" said the white humanoid figure angrily

The other humanoid figure went near the other and looked at the new soul that just arrived.

The soul was in a form of a ball. But for some reason, its color is different. Usually, souls that will come here are colored either white or dark, but this is the first time a blue soul appeared.

"What kind of soul is that? There have never been any records of blue souls before"

"Could it be a new type of soul?"

"No that's impossible."

"What are we gonna do it? Should we keep it here or let it be reborn?"


I'm Otsutsuki ToneriWhere stories live. Discover now