Chapter 13

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[Toneri's POV]

Alright, 2 hours before the funeral of the hunters. It's still morning and I just got out of the hospital bed.

I really have nothing to do right now. I'm just strolling around the hospital, walking without any direction just to waste time. Occasionally waving at nurses and doctors along the way

It's not that I mind doing nothing but the fact that NOTHING interesting happening is bugging me. Am I expecting some kind of explosion? No. Maybe I really am just bored or the author is dragging on the word count so he can reach his quota

(A/N: *sweats*)

And as for my decision of saving the hunters... I'm already regretting it. Sure, lives were saved but they fucking kill steal'd me! A part of me did it for my own benefit but a small part of me also did it to change the plot... Should I stop interfering with the world's plot or continue to fuck it up? Well, not like there's any major change... After all, Jin-Woo still got Beru so there's that.

Anyways, I started checking my phone to see any updates, and oh boy do I have a lot of notifications. Not like it's anything new to me, ever since I became an S-Rank, my notifications are bombarded with endless notifications from either fans or the hunters association.

So, why did I open my phone? It's easy. I'm waiting for that special call that I want. Who it is? Well—

*Ring* ×2

Oh my, oh my

Quite the perfect timing, aren't you?

I held up my phone as I checked the caller. It says 'Unknown Number', but who am I kidding? The only ones who know my contacts number are the Chairman, Baek Yoon-Ho, Choi Jong-In, Cha Hae-ain, and Liu Zhigang, and yes, I don't know how this guy got my number but he somehow managed to get into my contact lists. I don't answer his calls tho


I tapped the screen and held the phone next to my ear

Although I already knew who called me, I still want to act natural. Moreover, I'm interested in what they will do to pull me in~

Then, a firm voice answered me
[Ah yes, this is Hunter Toneri, correct?]

Oh? He's even speaking Korean huh? Well, better act along then.
"Yes, it's me. Who are you and how did you get my contact number?"

That impatience in my tone is all an act to get in the mood~

[Forgive me. It's nice to meet you, Hunter Toneri. My name is Adam White but you could just call me Adam. I am a senior official from the federal bureau of hunters. As for your question, I asked Chairman Go Gun-Hee for your contact info. Please forgive me if trespassed your privacy  but I needed to talk to you.]

Eh? Chairman gave them my number? So much for privacy...

"Alright, Mr. Adam, what do you want from me?"

I'm going straight to the point. I don't need this useless chat to go on any longer. I still have many things to do once I get home.

After hearing what I said, chuckled a bit and spoke
[It seems like Hunter Toneri is quite impatient, but I understand. I'll get straight to the point. I want to share information with you, Hunter Toneri.]

Hahahaha! All according to Keikaku!

"Information? What type of information are you talking about?"

[There's probably no other information like this anywhere in this world, no one else can have it or give it away. Except for us, of course.]
His tone sounded a bit proud there... Can't blame him, I mean, Selner is quite the big shot in their circle.

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