Chapter 9

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After we escaped from Zeather, Fru-Fru led us to an area of the island along a river. "So when are we going back to your house", Draculaura asked. "Never, any time soon at least", Fru-Fru responded. "What, why", Draculaura asked. "Zeather and his werehyenas will have it under guard", Fru-Fru answered. "Not to mention that Zeather will know to look for us there". "What happened to him", I asked. "I'm not sure", he just sort of, was like that when I saw him again, though I swear it seems like the werehyenas did something to him", Fru-Fru answered. "Well in that case where are we going", Frankie asked. "To a water trap I have set up to catch large fish", she answered. "Alright then", Frankie answered.

When we came upon the water trap we saw something big thrashing around as it was stuck in the trap. "Oh my", Fru-Fru said as she stabbed at the beast with her spear. Eventually what ever it was stopped moving and could now be seen clearly. It was a huge sawfish, at least 20 feet long. "Hey, you mind helping me out with this", Fru-Fru asked as she began trying to drag the fish on to land. We helped her pull up the fish, and found out that it was heavy, over 100 pounds for sure. "Alright", she said as she pulled out a blade. "Just give me a few minutes to cut this fish up and we'll be on our way". "We're actually going to eat that", Draculaura asked. "Well yeah", Fru-Fru responded. "This fish has enough meat to feed us all for a day if not two". "It's meat lasts long too", she added. "Which is good because refrigeration is non-existent here". Frankie spoke up. "She was asking because she's a vegetarian, and can't handle even the slightest of meat", Frankie told her. "Oh", Fru-Fru replied. "Well in that case we'll have to search for somewhere with something she'll eat because I don't know if any of the plants here are poisonous and I haven't tried eating them to find out", she responded. "For now just stay behind that tree until I'm done", she said as she pointed to a nearby tree. "Okay", Draculaura responded as she moved behind the tree.

After she was done she packed up the meat with our help. "I'm done, you can come out now", Fru-Fru said to Draculaura. Draculaura came back into view and we began to head off from there. As we walked Fru-Fru noticed that I was not in the best mood. "What's up", she asked. "I'm, I'm, I'm just afraid", I told her. "Afraid of what Zeather has become". "Hey, I felt the same way when I saw what he had become", she told me. "But my time here has taught me something". "That it's okay to be afraid". "It's a part of life", she explained. "And know this". "I've been in your predicament before". "And I've grown stronger from it", she explained. "And I know you can too". "You just need to take the first step". "Thanks for understanding", I told her. "Hey ghouls, check this out", Frankie yelled ahead of us. We walked to where she was and saw a clearing. And in that clearing was a rest stop. "Well Draculaura it looks like your in luck", Fru-Fru told her. "Because I'm betting that place has something you could eat". We went inside and saw some vending machines, that were still on. And there was a computer screen that showed a thunderstorm that would eventually move into the area. "Why is the power still on", Lagoona asked. "Solar panels probably", said Fru-Fru. "Dang", Frankie said. "No money". "No need", Fru-Fru replied. She then kicked out the glass of the vending machines, until everything inside was up for grabs. "I would have never thought that damage to property would be a good thing", I said. "Ah, I'm fine with it", Fru-Fru replied. "Besides, who's property, heck if I now". "Alright", said Frankie after we had taken what we wanted. "Well then", she replied. "Let's continue on". "We gotta stay moving". "Where are we even going", Cleo asked. "Not sure", Fru-Fru replied. "I just know we gotta stay moving". "Besides Cleo, there's a map right here", I pointed out as I walked over to it. "Fru-Fru", I asked. "Is it possible to travel to the other side of the island". "Why do you ask", she responded. "Because if we could find like a, flair gun we could alert a ship if one passes by", I told her. "Well I guess it's worth a shot", she replied. "But there's still some luck involved", she added. "Yeah", I replied. "We have you, and I imagine your pretty lucky". She laughed. "If you say so", she said.

At some point after the ghouls left, Zeather followed their scents to the rest stop. "Well, well, well", he said with a smile. "What do we have here". He went inside and sniffed around. "They've definitely been here before", he said to himself. Then his nose made it's way to the vending machine and something that was left behind. "Cinnamon rolls, are you kidding me, Cinnamon rolls", he shouted excited. "I haven't eaten one of these things in a year if not more". He grabbed as many as he could reach and started eating as he sniffed the air. "So they definitely made off in that direction", he said. "So as I snack I guess that's the way I'm headed". So he began walking in the ghoul's direction as he bit into his favorite snack.

We continued to walk deeper into the island, when we came across an odd rock formation. "What is this", Lagoona asked. "The rocklands", answered Fru-Fru. "It's a bunch of rocky hills and mountains with caves and water reservoirs", she explained. As we moved on through the area we noticed just how beautiful it was. "It's a shame we can't go exploring here", I told Fru-Fru. "Yeah", she answered. "But be careful, looks can be deceiving", she added. Then behind us someone came running toward us. A someone who Frankie recognized. "Hoodude", she yelled. She took a step forward. "Hoodude, over here", she shouted. Then out of nowhere, a set of jaws clamped onto the poor kid's body and crushed his bones before swallowing him whole. It then turned it's head and charged at us. Fru-Fru looked around and saw a part that we could climb. "Up there", she said as we ran up to it. We climbed up on it and the creature seemingly gave up. At which point it could be seen clearly. It was scaly with crocodilian like armor which also included large spikes. It had a crocodile like head filled with sharp teeth, but large arms and legs with a theropod like stance. It then looked as if it was walking away, only for it to quickly turn around and leap at us, now up on the rocky hill with us, it turned it's head to Draculaura. Who hadn't gotten up on the hill with us. "Draculaura", Frankie shouted as the beast dove into some nearby water and swam over. Draculaura saw a small cave and climbed in. At which point the beast began biting and clawing at the cave entrance. "Look, there", Fru-Fru pointed. We looked and saw a part of the rock wall that was about to come apart, and if it did it would fall right on the creature. We then knew what we would have to do. We were going to have to push it over. So we climbed over to it and we all pushed as hard as we could. It worked. The rock fell onto the beast's neck and smashed it. Then both the rock and the creature rolled to the side. "Draculaura", I asked. "Are you ok". We were amazed to hear her say, "yeah I'm okay". She came out of the cave and me and Frankie hugged her. "I hate to break up the reunion", Fru-Fru said. "But their could be another one of those things, and we just made a lot of noise". "Your right", I responded. "We'd better get moving". We got outta there as fast as we could, and later got back into the forest.

Meanwhile Zeather had tracked the ghouls to the area and encountered a smaller individual of the same creature. "Really", he said. "You wanna go". Then it charged at him and tried to bite. But he caught it by the jaws and through it to the side. It then lost its balance and fell onto it's back, at which point Zeather ran up to it malled it in the neck area. Viciously clawing and biting. Until it cried out in pain one last time before sucoming to it's injuries. Zeather then gave out a lion like victory roar.

We walked through the forest until we came to a clearing with a mobile home in in the middle of it. "Ok, I think we could use this as a place to rest for the night", Fru-Fru said as she noticed it was getting dark out. We all happily agreed. I got the bedroom in the back, which I didn't mind. I covered up, laid my head down, and went to sleep.

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