Chapter 17

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We continued on down the river until we heard someone shouting from the forest. "Hey over here", they shouted. It was a friend of ours, Rochelle Goyle. "Rochelle", I yelled to her. "You know her", Fru-Fru asked. "Yes", I replied. "Get us over to her", I asked. "Alright", Fru-Fru replied. She drove the boat over to Rochelle, and Rochelle climbed in. "Thank the heavens someone found me", she said. "I've been running for my life from hyena people all day". "So I take it the werehyenas are after you as well", I asked. "If that's what their called then, ya", Rochelle replied.  Suddenly the boat stopped as we tried to leave, and Frankie nearly fell out of the boat. "What happened", Draculaura asked. "We must be caught on something", Fru-Fru replied. She looked at the water. "Yeah, we're caught on a rock". "So I'm gonna have to back out. She did so and we were moving again. "There we go", she said. Then, something burst from the water and grabbed on to the boat. "Hello my dear", it said. It was Zeather. "What the", Rochelle screamed. "Will you shut up", Zeather replied. "I then got up and kicked Zeather in the mouth while it was still open. I think I surprised him, for he fell backwards and fell behind the boat just in time for the propeller blades to slice open his neck. He roared as he slipped beneath the water. But we didn't get any time to think, as I then felt a musket round zig by my head. And I saw a werehyena jump into the water and swim after us. "I didn't know hyenas could swim", said Frankie Stein. "They must've learned from Zeather", I replied. Then I saw the werehyena who had almost shot me from the forest, and I saw an Animalistic Leshmainia Parasite slither up from behind him. Except this one was huge. It's head was as long as a car, and it's body was as thick around as a large tree. It then shot it's head downwards and ate the werehyena whole. It then slithered off, and I got a good look at its length. It must've been over fifty feet long. I then, saw Zeather! He climbed out of the water and into land saying to himself, "okay, next time I go white water river rafting, I should bring a raft". He then walked off. But then, the parasite slithered into the river, suddenly gave me an idea of why it was called bloodbath river. The parasite clamped it's jaws on the werehyena that was in the water, and because it so big, the bite killed him instantly. It then dipped back below the surface. "Oh no", Fru-Fru said. The next thing we knew, the parasite rammed the boat from the bottom and flipped it. While the parasite slithered into the forest again.

We got up and found ourselves in the middle of the bloodbath river. "Great, now what", Cleo asked. Fru-Fru looked around and realized something. "Ghouls, we flipped just a mile off", she said. She pointed in the direction we needed to go. "If we move a mile that way", she said. "We'll get to the battlefield". Suddenly, Rochelle was pulled underwater by something. "Rochelle", I said, worried. She then resurfaced just in time for an anaconda sized parasite to clamp it's jaws on her, whip it's head around to break her bones, and disappeared with her beneath the dirt. I was shocked, so shocked in fact that I almost didn't move. "Come on", Fru-Fru said as she pulled me out of that. "We gotta get out of the water". As we ran I saw something, the first aid kit. It had landed on a rock after the boat flipped, and had thankfully not gotten wet. I ran over and grabbed it knowing that we needed it. We then heard a voice, and recognized it. "Frankie, this way", it said. It was Iris Clops, and she was reaching out her hand to Frankie when a piece of spear like bone impaled her through the back and out the front. Frankie then screamed and cried as the spike pulled Iris away from us, and left Frankie in tears.

The parasite had impaled Iris, and pulled her away and up to it's mouth. It then grabbed on to her, ripped her body off its tail, and ate her. Slithering away after doing so.

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