8 || First Day Jitters

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     To say Izuku Midoriya was second-guessing wouldn't be a lie. Today was the first time he'd make an appearance as a vigilante. And he hadn't even thought of an alias yet! 

     He thought back to his hero names he'd brainstormed as a child.

     "Mighty Man!" 

     "Captain All Might!" 

     "Super All Might!" 

     "All Might Junior!" 

     Midoriya cringed at the names, still a little sore from his interaction with the hero.

     Maybe Mei could help him. 

      Turning around in the swivel chair, Izuku look across the shed to Hatsume, who was doing a last-minute check on the gear she'd made for him. 

     "Mei, we never talked about my alias." He said, just loud enough for her to hear. Mei stood up abruptly and spun around, "I was waiting for you to ask!" Izuku blinked and furrowed his brows, 

     "Really?" Humming, Mei nodded, "Obviously! I knew you'd ask so I thought of something for you!" Midoriya was a little worried. Mei's ideas were usually over the top and insane. 

     Still, he stayed quiet and waited to hear his best friend out. 

     "Alright! Drum roll, please!" She squeaked and bounced. Humoring her, Izuku snickered and hit the scrap metal in front of him as an improvised drum. 

     "Valor!" Mei clapped her hands together and jumped in place. Honestly, Izuku was expecting something extravagant or odd, but this sounded like just another hero or vigilante name.

     "Why Valor, of all things?" He hummed, leaning foreword and fiddling with an old computer part Mei left on the table. 

     Mei jumped into another chair and nearly fell over. Leaning over the back of the chair, she smiled at him, "It means to have bravery, even in the face of danger! So, I thought it was pretty fitting~" 

     Hopping off of the chair, Mei moved back to the gear. Midoriya stared after her, thinking the name over. 

     "Yeah!" A huge smile broke across his face, already fairly fond of the name Mei had chosen for him. 

     "Valor..." He mumbled to himself. And it felt right.

     Izuku stood on a rooftop that night, rather proud of himself for how easily he made his way up. His face mask, which had no extra features, it was only there to hide his face, muffled his breathing a little. 

     Mei spoke into his ear, rather loud, through a communication device she'd made at the last moment, "Make sure you take the less populated side of town, the crime rate there is actually worse because the heroes usually tend to only fight in the more populated areas, so on average you'll run into less heroes there and get to stop more villains." 

      Humming, Midoriya carefully made his way across the rooftops, hopping from one to another. He'd brought his bo staff with him over the bat, which was probably a good choice, as it helped him push off of roofs easily. 

     Izuku went about for a while, manoeuvring around a hero or two on patrol without being seen. It was a considerably quiet night. Until he heard a screech. "Get off of me!" A shaky voice screamed. 

     Midoriya immediately jumped down from the low roof, running towards the voice. He didn't like the way that sounded one bit. The voice screamed again, and Midoriya could tell it wasn't far away, maybe a few buildings off of where he was.

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