23 || It's Not Stalking It's Being Curious

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      Midoriya and Mei went back to her shed directly after running from their new friends. "We are horrible liars." He huffed, sitting in his spin chair. 

     Mei rolled her eyes with a smirk, "Wrong, you are a horrible liar. I dragged you away for your own good." 

     Midoriya groaned, shoving his face in his hands, "I'm going to get us caught." His voice was muffled through his palms. 

     "Don't stress about it too much, you're way better at lying when you're Valor, and that's all that matters anyways." 

     Midoriya peered up at Mei, who was working on something at her standing desk across the shed. She was most likely creating more blueprints for her babies, and Midoriya decided to let her focus, letting her burst into an occasional, unprovoked, in-depth explanation of what she was doing. 

      So, until his patrol later that night, he decided to work on his skills with his bo-staff.

      The following two weeks was the same in routine for Midoriya and Mei, and they were doing a good job of not being suspicious- and just kidding Shinsou and Togeike were both effortlessly seeing that they were lying about where they were going every day. 

      "So..." Togeike said as they watched Mei and Izuku run away after another terrible excuse, "What do you think they're doing?" She asked. 

      Shinsou huffed, "Didn't you hear them, they're going to get some boba!" He smiled wide. Shinsou let down his sarcastic tone and smile and rolled his eyes, "There isn't even a boba place until the next town over- and Midoriya told us just yesterday that he hasn't drank any since last year, because he choked on it and nearly died."

     "I think that's the worst excuse yet." Togeike said. 

     Shaking his head, Shinsou dismissed her, "No- no, the worst one was when they said they were going to do some extra studying at school and then immediately ran in the opposite direction of the school."

     "Yeah, you're right. That was funny, though." She laughed. Looking off in the direction their two suspicious friends ran off in. 

      Tilting her head, she got an idea, "Let's follow them." 

      Shinsou looked at her incredulously, "Well, not now, we have no idea where they went and they're too far to follow now." Togeike smiled, "But we know Midoriya's address. Maybe they went there to do whatever they're really doing." She suggested. 

     "We do not have Midoriya's address- unless you did something." Shinsou eyed Togeike suspiciously, "Are you stalking him?"

     "What?" Togeike laughed, pulling out her phone and pulling up something in her notes app, "No, dumbass, I got it from Mic sensei- when Midoriya was out sick Monday- so that I could bring him his homework." 

      Letting his posture go back to it's usual terribleness, Shinsou sighed, "Oh. That's good. I totally forgot."

     After a few moments of walked, Shinsou groaned, "I don't know, going to his place uninvited is weird. And creepy." He said, scratching the back of his neck. 

     "Yeah, that's just your social inept-ness talking. It's totally normal." Togeike lied. It was totally weird, but she was desperate to figure out what those two were up to. 

     "So, place your bets, Shinsou." 


     "Yeah," Togeike smirked, "On what they're doing." 

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