12 || Sarcasm

550 22 7

  A/N!  Since Wattpad refuses to let me dedicate this to someone, imma do this my own way!

@imeengoldberg - original author

@ImSad-HiSadImDad - person who helps me write it

The Chaos Trio, basically what I like to call this particular group, can be changed if anyone doesn't like it though! I'm in it too.



The first one is the original author, and the rest are helping me! Thank you!

Midoriya stood on the roof again. The only difference now, was that he had to actually talk to the people he was fighting.

     "What do I even say?" He asked Mei and his eyes darted around the streets for a crime. He heard a the static of the other end, "Be sassy, people love that!" She giggled.

     Izuku thought about it. He did feel more confident behind the mask. He'd actually made a remark or two in the past when dealing with criminals, but he'd never really thought about the new bravery with his words.

     Maybe it was the feeling of being anonymous, none of this connected back to him. Still, somehow, whenever Valor became a bit more confident, Izuku Midoriya came out of his shell a little.

     "Yeah, well I'm not sure I'm going to be the best at it." He chuckled and Mei laughed.

     "Practice makes perfect, Mido!" She said, and she must've been really close to the microphone because Izuku flinched at the volume of her voice. 2

     Before he could tell her to maybe move the mic a bit, he heard a shout.

     "Empty the fucking bag! I'm not afraid to use this!"

     Ah, classic, a mugger with a weapon. Quickly hopping down and across, he sprinted in the direction of the yell, skidding to a halt in front of an alley.

     "Why is it always an alley?" He groaned. A person with a ski-mask on spun around and pointed a knife at him as if it were a gun. 

     "Don't come any closer!" She yelled shakily.

     "You aren't even holding it right." It surprised Izuku how easily talking back came to him. Maybe being Valor had had more of an impact on him than he'd initially thought.

     The woman growled, "Doesn't make it any less dangerous." She told him as she shifted it so she was holding better.

     Midoriya glanced at the person she'd been yelling at before he showed up. Some guy, looked to be in his mid-twenties, who was shaking as he pressed himself against the wall to put some distance between himself and the woman.

     "Listen, there's two ways to do this," His voice came out as several mixed together, "The hard way, or the even harder way."

     The woman scoffed, "Let's go with the one where you've been stabbed a few dozen times."

     For the first time in a bit, Midoriya didn't make the first move. The woman lunged at him, a crazy look in her eyes behind the mask. Still, Midoriya had dealt with people far more trained with weapons than her.

     One dude had a gun.

     Midoriya was super glad he'd been shot in the vest and nowhere else that day.

     He moved to the side, "That all you got, ma'am?" He asked, cringing a little at how cocky he sounded.

     "Who do you think you are, prick?" She yelled, running at him and swinging the knife again. Just as easily as before, Izuku dodged.

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