31 || Eavesdropping

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     Valor kept following the man, determined to find out what he wanted. He watched as the hooded mystery took refuge in the mass amounts of panicking students. Valor nearly lost him, as he wasn't taller than any of the students. Luckily, most students, if not all, were wearing the white collared uniform, leaving the black hoodie as a stand-out part of the man's outfit.

     In front of the gate was a mess of bustling media, trying to push past tired teachers with the gate now down. A few were in the courtyard trying to question students who had made it out of the school to stare at what had caused alarm.

     The man easily slipped by, and the heroes didn't take notice. They were much too busy to care if someone was leaving- as that was the goal. Valor pulled at his hoodie strings, hoping to conceal his nearly white mask, which stood out the most amongst his dark outfit.

     The vigilante slipped by the heroes and into the group, keeping eyes on the intruder.

     He followed him out and through empty streets and alleys, watching him carefully and quietly, as far as he could stay without losing sight of him.

     The two were ten minutes away from the disintegrated gate and panicking school when a voice picked up in his earpiece.

     "Where the hell are you?" A robotic voice asked incredulously. The vigilante jumped a bit at the sudden noise but stayed on the roof in silence. Valor signaled to the intruder, trying not to say anything and blow his cover.

     "Oh!" Mystery called, "Right, I was watching- Valor followed him out because he stole something from Nezu's office!"

     "You were 'watching'?" A high voice asked. Mystery ignored her, "How long are you going to follow him?" They asked.

     "'Till I get answers." Valor mumbled into his microphone. The three people on the other end of the line went quiet for a moment.

     "Well," Editor started, "We skipped classes for this, so make it entertaining."

     Valor shrugged, "I didn't ask you to. That's on you."

     And, so, he kept following. Occasionally, his friends would speak up, usually to tell him about their observations of the man, but it was nothing that could help him figure out why he'd go so far to get one hard drive from the office.

     Finally, the hooded man slowed down in the middle of a run-down ghost street. Papers flew through the air, hanging on drafts of wind. The papers all seemed old and tattered, as if no one had bothered to replace them in an extraordinarily long time. One flew high above the buildings before falling from the bright orange light and next to Valor's scuffed boots.

     His eyes scanned the paper, skimming through its words. The top, an advertisement. It took up a lot of the page. Then, an article he couldn't quite make out. Finally, Valor's eyes trailed to the side. A small picture of a smiling child, the eyes obscured by holes in the paper, obviously from a staple.

     In the large text under her picture, in front of a fading red highlight, was the word 'Missing'. Valor bit his tongue, unsure how to feel. Children go missing all of the time, he knew that. But seeing such a neglected case of it made him nauseous.

     "Where is he going?" Mystery's voice brought him out of his thoughts. Valor looked back to the thief. He was going inside of the dingy old building, two stories high and the roof was caving in.

     Valor groaned to himself as he remembered he didn't have his staff. He'd been jumping from roof to roof, and he hadn't considered getting down. Valor carefully scaled down the building into an alley, just out of view of any windows in the building.

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