2 ||Quirk This, Quirk That

911 29 14

     It hadn't taken him too long to reach the source of the noise. Midoriya panted a little, noting that he needed to work on his endurance some day. He was about to turn the corner to see what exactly was happening when he heard concerned heroes and an awfully familiar yell.

     "It's taken someone hostage!" Whoever it was seemed closer, while the other sounded as if they were moving fast, most likely towards the villain, "How dare you prey on a child!"

     "I'm gonna send you back to whatever sewer you crawled out of! LET ME GO!"

     Kacchan. It had to be, he'd recognise that voice no matter what- wait- sewer? Could it be? No, All Might had captured him!

     Midoriya sped up, sliding to a halt around the corner. Fire encircled the lane and raged inside the buildings that lined its way, a rescue hero desperately trying to put it out with their water quirk.

     Another hero Midoriya could see clearer he recognised as Kamui Woods, who was using his quirk to pull citizens out of the danger zone.

     Other than that, he noticed several strength heroes standing by as the awfully familiar sludge villain laughed maniacally.

     There, Izuku spotted his classmate, Katsuki Bakugou, struggling uselessly against the villain's hold. His mind raced. Why weren't the strength heroes doing anything? Was it because their quirk wasn't designed for this?

     If that's the case, what's the point in being a hero if you're just going to give up as soon as your quirk fails you?

Rage blinded his sense of self-preservation. His feet moved before he could stop then and his fingers gripped the rough material that coated the strap of his backpack. He didn't seem to realise what he was doing until he was too close to turn back.

     Fear swallowed his heart and Midoriya was definitely terrified at the very indie of fighting this villain, but he couldn't afford to stop now, not with Kacchan's life on the line.

     He gripped his bag harder, if possible, and swung it at the villain's eyes, the only solid-seeming part of his liquid body.

     One of the hard-cover books spilled out, piercing its eye directly. The villain's sludge reeled backwards, twisting in pain. A gasp and a few short coughs escaped Bakugou as the villain reflexively let go of his face, letting the teen breathe again.

     "Kacchan!" Midoriya yelled as he saw he was able to breathe again. He was sure his classmate would've passed out from the lack of oxygen if the villain hadn't let got. Izuku gripped the slime, pulling it away in a vain attempt to free Bakugou.

     "What the hell! WHY ARE YOU HERE?" Bakugou barked at the Quirkless boy as he continued to struggle against the villain's grip. Izuku wondered why himself. Why was he here?

     His mind flashed to the hero's who stood by as if they were no more than a simple civilian who couldn't do anything.

     "Because they aren't." He mumbled, loud enough for Bakugou to recognise he'd said something, but not loud enough for him to hear. "Kacchan- I couldn't just stand there and watch you die!" He yelled this time, digging even harder at the sludge monster.

     "Get the hell off me!" The explosive teen yelled, pulling his arms away from the villain even harder now.

     "I'm done playing with you!" An angry, watery voice screeched, bringing up a newly-formed liquid, far above Midoriya. If he felt fear before, it was increased to a tenfold now. The hand moved down quickly, and a blast of impact blew Midoriya back.

     He'd expected darkness, but the scene continued on and the smoke cleared, revealing a buff All Might holding off the villain. Midoriya gaped, where had he come from?

     Midoriya didn't have time to ask anything, as the two heroes gripped his arms, dragging him away from the fight. Izuku was Tito in shock to fight them, although their grips were firm and hurt his arms a little. Soon, he was dragged near an ambulance, which had finally arrived.

     Izuku couldn't believe it. He was being lectured by several pro heroes. The media bustled behind them, most of them seeking an interview with Bakugou, but a few waiting to see if they can talk to him.

     Kamui Woods was one of the heroes in front of him, "Kid, that was reckless! You can't just put yourself in danger like that! You didn't even think to use your quirk!" Woods scolded.

     Izuku mumbled something, and the pros looked at him in confusion, "Kid, speak up." Backdraft told him, having joined  Woods after helping put out the fires. Izuku sighed, looking at the cracked asphalt.

     "I don't have a quirk, sir." They stood silent, perhaps too stunned to respond. Then came the yelling.

     "You don't even have a quirk! You could have easily died! Why would you even think it was okay to-"

     "Oh, shut up!" The angry words flew out of his mouth before he could stop them. He'd never felt so angry, not only at himself, but at heroes. He considered for a moment stopping and apologising for his outburst, but then he remembered.

     Nobody apologised to him for the constant bullying. No one had apologised to him for the blatant discrimination he faced for something he can't even control. Nobody apologised to him when even his own idol told him he wasn't enough. So he wasn't going to apologise now. Not now, not EVER.


     "Shut it! No- why didn't you-" Midoriya turned to one of the strength heroes who had stood by earlier, who was near the group, "- do anything? Literally anything! You stood by and watched a MINOR almost die of suffocation!" 

     Silence. Even the media quieted, Midoriya's yelling catching their attention. The strength hero, Death Arms, stiffened at being yelled at, "My quirk-"

     Midoriya didn't let him finish, "Your quirk!" He let out a tired sarcastic laugh, "Your quirk! Quirk this, quirk that! Use your brain you don't! If the only the keeping you as a hero is your quirk, then there's nothing stopping you from becoming a villain except basic morals!" He ranted.

     Maybe he'd been thinking it for a while, in some deep, dark part of his mind, but he never said it.

     Silence. Again.

     "Of course you have nothing to say for yourself. I wouldn't either if I'd done what you did. I'm going home." He said, yanking his bag off the pavement and walking away. He kept his head high and ignored the stare of the media, the stunned glances of the heroes, and most definitely the glare of Bakugou, if he hadn't been being treated for his injury, he probably would've followed Izuku to beat him up.

     Once Midoriya was out of sight, he let out a breathe he'd been holding for a little too long. Panic flooded him as the adrenaline left his system. Had he just yelled at several pro heroes?

     "Oh my jeez, I just yell at several pro heroes..." He breathed the words out, barely belting it. He walked home, trying to comprehend the day he'd had.


Charizard, OUT!

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