26 || Might Go To Juvy Squad

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     Mei hopped around her shed the next morning, putting away parts she'd pulled out before. She didn't get any sleep, as she'd been working on two new devices all night. Grinning, Mei put out a fairly small box on the desk with the computer and her microphone. 

      Grabbing her school bag, Mei left the shed and headed for school. 

     Midoriya sat behind Shinsou and in front of Togeike during class, as per usual. Togeike hummed and moved to the seat next to him. Midoriya questioned her with his eyes. 

     "What?" She asked, "If he has a problem with me sitting here, he can take it up with Mic, or my fist, his choice." 

     Shinsou sighed and shook his head. The classmate that sat there walked in, and upon seeing her in his seat, simply sat behind Midoriya instead. Guess he didn't want to fight Togeike today.

     "Okay, well, if you guys have time, you can come by Mei's tonight!" Midoriya told them with an innocent smile. He had to keep it vague, especially when there were students all around them.

     "Did you not hear us yesterday?" Shinsou said, "We both have no lives. Of course, we have time." 

     Togeike shrugged, "I can make time in my oh-so-busy schedule." 

     Midoriya nodded, "Well I'm so glad you can make it, your highness." 

     Togeike fake gasped, "Oh, so sassy! I'm liking this new side of you we've discovered." 

     Shinsou rolled his eyes and Midoriya laughed. 

     At lunch, the three Gen Ed students made their way to their secluded table, where a girl with pink hair bounced up and down, waiting for them. 

     "Hey, Mei." Midoriya said as he sat down with his lunch tray. Togeike and Shinsou sat across from him in their usual spots. 

     "Okay, so, I have a surprise for you two when you come down to the shed later!" She blurted, clapping her hands.

     Shinsou tilted his head, "How did you even know we were coming by today? We only told Midoriya." 

     "First of all," Midoriya interrupted, "Call me Izuku, we're friends now, plus you guys know my secret that could get me thrown in jail, so that constitutes trust." 

     Shinsou was taken aback at his wording, but smiled and looked down to hide it. 

     "Second of all, Mei, how did you know?" He asked, looking back at the excitable girl.

     Midoriya stared at her for a moment, "I'll figure it out someday." He told her, narrowing his eyes. 

     "So, what is the surprise? Like, will it kill us?" Togeike asked through a mouthful of food. Shinsou slapped the back of her head, "Swallow before you talk." 

     Mei giggled, "It's a surprise! Plus, anything can kill you if you try hard enough!" 

     Shinsou, Midoriya, and Togeike stared at their friend, who simply continued eating her food standing. 


     The four of them walked out of the school together, amongst a sea of other U.A. students. Mei turned around and started walking backward, "Hey! This time we won't have to make any horrible excuses!" 

     Midoriya groaned, "Okay, I get it, I'm a bad liar!" 

     Togeike snickered, "Must suck for you." 

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