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just like anything that elton does, theres always a trick. something else that he throws at you just when you think hes sane. normally im safe from his torment but tonight was an exception. i lost hide and clap which meant i was subjected to his punishment. i don't usually feel scared when going into a paranormal investigation but something about this house was...off. as we all walked further into the basement i felt lighter, like whatever was oppressing this house was away. brandon and corbin moved the plywood off of the well. i walked closer and looked down into it, my reflection staring back at me in the stagnant water. i looked up and saw elton smiling.

"it kind of stinks"

"i think that is the least of my worries"

he laughed and handed me my go-pro before turning to evan who was currently filming every last moment. corbin held out his hand to help me get down inside the well, kissing my forehead before i was fully inside it. once i was comfortable i turned the go-pro on and watch as the guys dragged the plywood back overtop of the well, covering me in complete darkness. i took a couple deep breaths, trying to focus on the energy around me in the house. as i was adjusting i could hear one of the guys placing something on top of the board.

"okay lillith, ask some questions when you're ready"

"alrighty. if there is somebody here, do you want me out of the well?"

as i sat awaiting a response from the guys, i started to feel anxious.

"it said no"

"are you upset that im inside the well?"

i could hear the guys starting to talk a little bit more and it felt like the walls were beginning to close in. i've never been claustrophobic, but for some reason the gravity inside felt so much heavier. i moved up towards the plywood and hoped that my time inside is almost over.

"it said no again"

i closed my eyes and tried to think of another question but my train of thought was interrupted by a loud thud right by my head. i gasped and tried to push the plywood off the top of the well.

"i need to get out"

the guys frantically moved everything before corey reached down to help me up. as soon as i felt solid ground beneath me, i relaxed. i put my hands inside my jacket pockets and tried to warm up. elton looked at corey then at me.

"what was it like? did you feel anything?"

"honestly, it was fine at first. but as soon as i started to ask questions it was just a build up of pressure on my chest. it was weird....i could feel the vibrations of someone stomping on the ground, like almost running towards me while i was in there"

"we thought we heard something coming down the stairs at first but other than the lights, we got nothing"

"it was almost like it wanted to keep me in there, like it said that it didn't want me to leave the well and that it was fine with me being there"

corbin walked up next to me and put his arms around me. im not sure what it is about this place but something's off about it. we all slowly made our way upstairs and sat in the living room. evan and corbin started to set up the cameras, ensuring all possible angles were included. elton has been talking about his blood board non-stop since hes started researching it, so of course he brought it with him to the conjuring house. when everyone was finally ready evan starting filming elton as he explained what we were doing. i was glancing around the house as he was talking and a flash of white caught my attention. i looked past evan into the room behind him and saw a woman in white standing there observing us. i tapped on corey's arm to try and see if he could see her too but when elton crossed in front of me to leave the house she was gone.

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