Chapter 5

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Loki looked up from his book as the heavy footsteps came down the hall toward his cell. He would recognize that familiar footfall anywhere. He'd spent his entire life around it. He smirked up at his brother, hiding his emotions behind his usual teasing smirk and sarcasm. He'd learned to shield himself, shield his emotions for centuries, but more so in the last few years. It was why he'd never even asked his mother to check up on Morgan. He couldn't show that much weakness, not to have any kind of interest in a Midgardian. Especially not one that he'd only seen for a couple of minutes. So he'd kept that secret close to his chest too.

He smirked up at Thor when he came into view. "After all this time and now you come to see me, brother," he sneered, as if he hadn't just spent two years in solitary confinement with little news of the happenings outside his cell. Frigga gave him some news, but it wasn't enough. She couldn't visit as often as she wanted. So all Loki really knew was that Thor had been working with his friends on Midgard. Regardless of what Thor had been doing, what he had not been doing was coming to see Loki in his cell. "Have you come to gloat, to mock?" He continued his painful sneering words to his brother. There had been a wedge between them for centuries thanks to Odin.

Loki watched Thor's expression become more wary and guarded. Thor was a puppy and wore his every emotion clearly on his face. "No, brother. I've come to get you out of that cell. You never should have been put there. And part of it is my fault. I should have listened to you. Should have heard what you were trying to say. Mother and I have been working to get you out of here. And the day has finally come," there was actual sorrow on Thor's face as he spoke. He really meant what he'd said, which shocked Loki. Thor? The great golden child? Was actually admitting fault???

While Loki stared in awe at Thor's admitting fault for something, Thor moved forward and opened the cell door. Loki breathed non-cell air for the first time in years. He got to his feet, still shocked. Shocked enough to let Thor hug him without stabbing him, not that he had a weapon to stab Thor with.

"Come, brother. There isn't a lot of time. Father is insisting we leave quickly,"

Loki huffed and rolled his eyes. "Father can't wait to be rid of me," he grumbled, but left the cell with Thor without complaint. He would definitely not complain about getting to see the sunlight again. Thor told him about the arrangement to have Loki work with him and the Avengers on Midgard as some sort of twisted penance as the pair walked up to Loki's suite. There was apparently enough time for Loki to get a proper bath and clean clothes before they had to leave.

When Loki came back out to his sitting room, feeling so much better already, he gave an actual smile when he saw that his mother was waiting for him. In-person. He went to her with slightly more speed than was seemly to hug her tightly. He had only seen illusions of her for the last two years. "I missed you, my darling," she said as she held him tightly.

"I missed you too. And I will miss you more when I go to Midgard," Loki told her, his voice tight.

"I know, darling. It was the best we could do for now. We'll get you free, darling. Properly free. I promise," Frigga told him and kept Loki in her arms as long as she could.


"Get off of me you oaf. I can walk by myself," Loki grumbled as Thor led him to the Bifrost with his hand around Loki's arm. Loki was nervous about going to meet the team properly and to see them again after he'd tried to take over the world. Thor insisted that the team and the realm all knew that Loki had been tortured and mind-controlled. Loki couldn't quite believe that. Not after how Thor and Odin had both not believed him when he'd tried to tell his story.

But he couldn't smell a lie coming from his brother.

Thor let go of Loki's arm and the pair of them headed to the Bifrost together, just like old times. Or as close to old times as things could be.

When they landed on Midgard, they were right outside the tower. They headed inside and up to the common room to meet the team officially. Loki knew them all, of course. He'd fought against them. He looked around the room, taking them all in as they were introduced: his idiot brother of course, the shell-head he'd thrown out the window, the hulk in the doctor's body, his arrow-shooting former minion, the patriotic leader, and the assassin who had actually tricked him (or so he let her think).

He tried not to make it too obvious that he was looking around to see if there were more of them. Or more to the point, what had happened to Morgan. She wasn't there as the introductions were made. Loki tried to keep his feelings about that to himself. No one said anything, and he couldn't bear his emotions enough to ask. Not yet.

The elevator dinged behind him, drawing his attention from the team. He turned to look at who was coming and his eyes widened slightly, all the shock he allowed himself to show, as Morgan Stark stepped out of the elevator.

She was dressed for school in a fancy private school uniform, a couple of years older now. A young woman instead of clearly a child. Her orange-red hair was tied in her tail, school back over her shoulder.

But what caught his attention most and completely sank his stomach, was the arc reactor glowing through her blouse.  

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