Chapter 8

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Calum's POV.

Okay my suspicions are out the roof by now. We just entered the place and Luke instantly went off with Leo. What on earth is he doing? I need to get him back. Luke soon came back when Leo said he had to go work.


"Shut up." He says and I bite my lip.

"Do you even love me anymore?" I shout and he watches me.

"No." He says and I feel my heart rip.

"No... you don't mean that." I say and laugh nervously.

"I don't love you Calum." Luke says and stands up. "So you can fuck off." He says and walks away.

I never thought he'd say anything like that! That's too far now. Way too far.


Luke's POV.

I don't mean it! I try shout but Calum's expression is stone cold.

"No... you don't mean that." He says in disbelief. I KNOW RIGHT?! Calum!

"I don't love you Calum. So you can fuck off." I say and walk away.

I try stopping my body but I can't. I feel like I'm just a person trapped in flesh. I try my best to fight it away but all I do in my control is make myself stop walking away for one second before I continue to walk. I'm not the bad guy! I swear! It's Leo! He's the one who probably drugged me! He's taken this much too far.

I managed to stop my body. Yes... yes! I quickly run back to Calum and I feel someone tackle me to the ground and I struggle and see Leo on top of me.

"Get the fuck off!" I shout and he has a syringe in his hand. I shout for help and try kick his hand off me but he grabs my arm and pokes the needle into me and pushes the back in.

"No! Leo!" I shout and attempt to kick him but instead I just smile up at him. I try slapping him but it doesn't work. He puts the syringe in his pocket and gets up and reaches for me.

A tear falls down my face but I'm still smiling.

"What's wrong?" He asks with a smirk.

"Nothing." I smile and I want to punch him.


Calum's POV.

The show is soon over and I wait backstage for some fans to meet us. I bring my legs up to my chest and put my phone on my knees as I go on Twitter.


555sssooosss: CALUM

Oh my gosh, I have to meet her. Oh, and I'm guessing by 'tomorrow' she meant today. You know what? I'm going to go out just to meet her or him. I ask everyone if they want to meet fans outside with me and Michael tells me he wants to which is great. I don't know if they'll mob us. I go ask the management and they let us but they're making us stay behind fences and apparently we had to go anyway.

I'm excited, I want to meet fans all the time.


555sssooosss: OMGG OK

I know this is very unfair on all the other fans but it's nice to have an actual nice person. I need some form of distraction from Luke and maybe this fan'll make it better. Michael sits next to me as I scroll down Twitter.

"I have a plan for my hair. I'll make it look like a smurf died on it, how does that sound?" He asks and I sigh.

"It sounds great." I say sarcastically and rub his head.

"I'm doing it without your approval then." He says and I chuckle and its soon time to go outside and I'm excited as fuck.

We exit the building and there's a red carpet and fences keeping fans back. They scream as we come out and there's at least 50 meters worth of fans. I look around for that Twitter girl and I have no clue which one she is. I start on the left and hear people shouting my name. I sign a bunch of things and take pictures. People scream for me as I go back to the right side of the fans.

Stuff is thrown at us like pieces of paper and stuff but I don't want to pick them up. I look around and see people at the back trying to push to the front. I bite my lip and talk to some fans.

"Calum! I love you!" A fan shouts and she's videoing and I smile.

"Thank you." I say and take her phone making her and a few others scream. I make dumb faces into the camera before stopping the video and taking selfies with her and I hand her back her phone.

Everyone soon tries hold out their phones for me to video but I go back to the left. Where the hell is that fan?!

"CALUM!" I hear everywhere and see the other three a little ahead of me but I notice Michael watching me and making sure nobody's throwing insults or anything. I give him a small thumbs up and he nods before going back to the fan.

I get pieces of paper thrown at me and they're all twitters. Everyone shouts to stop throwing things at me but even a stuffed toy is thrown at me. I go to the other side because they're less violent. Where the hell is that fan?! There was at least 200 here, how am I meant to find 1 out of 200? I look at some signs and see one saying: 'IM FROM TWITTER'

I try walk up to her but she gets engulfed by other fans. She soon appears at the front.

"Calum! I'm that fiiivesssooosss person!" She says and I smile.

"Hi, what's your name?" I smile.

"Sara." She smiles.

"Hi Sara! Anything you need me to sign?" I ask with a wide smile and she hands me a blank phone case and a sharpie.

"Can you get the others to sign it too?" She asks and I nod.

I quickly sign it and run up to Michael.

"Can you sign this? It's really important." I say and he raises a brow.

"I see you doing more than usual for a fan." He chuckles and I make everyone sign it before giving it back to her.

I take a selfie and kiss her cheek before leaving. Man, she is an amazing fan. I'm glad there are fans like that. I say hello to a few other people and sign things before finally leaving. We're going to be so busy soon. We have to begin rehearsals tomorrow for the tour which sucks because we won't have much free time. But at the same time, that's great because then I'll get my mind off Luke and Leo and shit like that.

I can just relax with Ash and Mike and we'll be the old group before Luke even came to our school. Are Luke and I even still dating? He said he doesn't love me but are we dating? I'm not gonna ask. I'm too scared. He'll say no and my heart will be broken, it's already bad enough he's stopped loving me for no apparent reason.

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