Texte argumentatif anglais

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Sport is essential for the health, in a physical and mental way. However, when you don't have a knowing in this area , it could be difficult to decide which sports to play. That is why I will try to explain to you how my sport, badminton, is a sport that is ideal for you to play.

First of all, in the physical aspect and for Julien Fush ( a great badminton player ), badminton is one of the most complete sport. In fact,  it is one of the most energy-intensive sports, and for good reasons ! All of muscles are used, in addition, there are a strategic aspect and a lot of concentration needed.  Therefore, It is a great way to develop a broad aspect of skills that you could use in a daily life.

Besides, badminton is the best sport to start praticing a sport activity . It is very motivating contrary to others sport for which it is necessary to played a lot, in badminton, in the begining the evolution is fast and satisfacting, that could help you to enjoy this sport a bit more. It is a great way to keep you motivated.

 Likewise, the social aspect will help you a lot. All of the badminton player, regardless of the level, are able to play together and help for the praticing. It is a excellent way to socialize and to makes friends. This is why it is such a great sport and I  really appreciate it.

To conclude, for me, and i hope for you now, badminton is a really interessing sport.  I would be glad if I manage to make you test it yourself and even more , if you take a liking to this sport ! See you on the court !

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