Chapter 3

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The lights were off. My parents were fast asleep. I had told them not to wait for me and to turn in early as I had expected to stay up late with Hari as we celebrated our engagement. I had pictured ourselves walking along the streets, and Hari would be admiring her ring.

Why was it that nothing I had imagined unfolded? Of all things, why did a car accident occur? Who the hell was that, and why did he drive so recklessly? They were going so fast that I could even see from the restaurant, where everything looked so tiny, the difference in the speed they were going as compared to the normal speed.

I took a deep breath to calm myself down. This was not the time to fuss about the two who caused the accident. This was the time to hope for Hari to be okay.

I had spent the past God-knows-how-long sitting outside my house, staring at the sky, praying that Hari would feel better soon. Under this sky that was so beautiful, how could such a terrible accident occur? And it was upsetting to think that circumstances could have been so different, and we would be gazing upon this beautiful sky full of stars instead.

As quietly as I could, I made my way to my bedroom and put down my bag. After changing out of my suit and taking a quick shower, I put on a loose T-shirt and pants. Grabbing my phone, I took a seat at my desk. Bracing myself for the terrible things I was about to hear, I pulled out the recording and played it.

"She looks dead." Hearing that same dreadful line once again, my heart dropped.

She won't be dead. She will live.

"Shit, what should we do? Should we dial one-one-nine?"

"Are you crazy? Do you want to go to jail? We just killed someone. It's not like calling an ambulance will bring her back to life."

I could feel my blood boil at that instant. So I didn't hear wrong; one of the two men indeed tutted when I asked them to dial 119. What kind of heartless human being would hesitate to call for help when someone was dying in front of them? And who was he to decide that Hari was dead and didn't need an ambulance? He was just giving himself an excuse.

"But I won't go to jail. It's your car."


"Your family is in need of money, right? If you say that you were in the driver's seat, I will take good care of your family. You know my family has a lot of money. I told you we have the ability to make CCTV recordings disappear. I can even get you a job after you get released." That voice sounded desperate.

"What?" This person sounded shocked.

"I can't go to jail. I have so much to lose. Just do me this favour, and I will repay you for your sacrifice. No one has to know. No one saw us get out of the car, and you can't tell who was in the driver's seat without the dashcam. Even if you say it's me, there's no evidence."


Despicable, I thought. How could he ask his friend to take the rap? He should admit his mistake. How could he bully the poor just because he's rich? People like him are the reason why so many are suffering in South Korea.

Earlier, there wasn't anyone around, and people only started gathering minutes after the accident occurred. I bet he would've hit and run if he could, but his car was damaged, so it wouldn't be able to travel far. Even if it could, it would raise suspicion.

I shook my head at his stupidity. If he had called for an ambulance without hesitation, he would be seen as remorseful in the eyes of the judge. I gritted my teeth at the thought of him planning to shake off his responsibilities.

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