chapter 3

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It had been two weeks since she had left and at first he was felt success that he managed to get rid of her for good.

Now, he regretted it.

He couldn't stop thinking about her; the way she responded to his touch, the way she looked up at him with innocence that he wanted to corrupt.

But he also could not forget the pained look she gave him, as well as the fear. He hated himself for it. He let his anger control his actions. He had said mean words to her as well, with the hopes she would leave before she made an impression on her. She had already done so without even trying.

He pushed his plate away, not feeling hungry anymore. 

Part of him hoped nearly every time he came home, that she would be there, that she would comeback, but it was too good to be true.

He got up from the counter and went to his bedroom and changed his clothes.

She never even bothered him, and moved around his house quietly. She didn't look through any of his things, and only had a small amount of her things packed in his cupboard. 

She even made him food. And it was good stuff.

As he pulled his jacket on, he heard the doorbell ring. He paused, his heart accelerating. Was she back? With a lot of hope, he ran down the stairs to open the door. He couldn't understand why he felt the excitement, when all he felt was resent before.

He slowly turned the handle down and pulled it, freezing.

Instead of coming face to face with her, he was met with a broad chest. Before he could register anything, a large hand wrapped around his neck and pushed him back against the furthest wall of his house.

"How dare you?!" Growled the elderly man. His voice was gruff and his face only expressed anger and disgust.

"How dare you force her?" He questioned, squeezing his throat tighter. Her father was a huge man, over 6ft, towering over Luka himself and he was no short man either.

"I'm her husband. I can do what want." He answered, knowing that he will get into more trouble.

"Husband? Do you even know what that means? You are meant to be her protector, her best friend, the person she can trust with her life, yet you hurt her the most."

He shoved her older man back, with every word his hand seemed to tighten. Her father moved back a few steps.

"You can expect divorce papers arriving soon. You son of a bitch. Rather than blaming my daughter, speak to your mother who forced her to marry you!"

Luka clenched his fists in anger, causing the man to laugh with no trace of humour.

"It's not nice, is it? To hear someone you love get abused? Imagine how I felt, when I found my daughter at my doorstep four in the morning, trembling and crying. The worst part was, she didn't even tell me."

Luka was at loss of words, unable to meet his eyes.

"But I know her. She doesn't like hot weather. She would never wear turtleneck in summer." He said quieter than before.

No more words were exchanged and her Father quickly left before he did something that he would definitely never regret. His only daughter had married a monster.

He watched his retreating figure and sighed, taking deep breaths to calm his racing heart. He was surprised that her Father did not kill him.

"Fuck." He grunted, getting away from the wall.

His stood there confused as her father left. What did his mother have to do with of this?


Her Father visited her more than a week ago and there was no sign or her, or the divorce papers that he was promised. He fell into his usual routine of coming home and making himself dinner which would last him until the next day. Some days he just couldn't be bothered to make anything and would sleep empty stomach, which meant today he was starving but he was also exhausted.

He parked up outside his apartment and locked his car,  going stepping into his building.

Luka opened the door and locked it and walked straight into the kitchen, pausing. He sniffed the air, it smelled like food. Someone had been here.

His heart raced with excitement. He ran towards to the living room to see the TV on at a low volume and a small figure curled up on the sofa.

She was back. He walked in quietly, not wanting to wake her up. He opened the small compartment under the sofa, pulling out a blanket and layering it over her carefully.

He went back to the kitchen, opening the oven to find a tray of ovenbaked pasta, with cheese melted cheese over it. His stomach rumbled wildly, not having eaten for more than a day. He thanked her silently and pulled out a plate and put it his food in. Luka dug in, unable to wait any longer and moaned at the taste.

Once he finished he washed his dishes and went straight to the bathroom to shower. He felt more refreshed than he had in the past three weeks. He pulled on a pair of boxers.

Just as he turned around she walked in freezing mid-step. Part of her wasn't ready to face him yet, but she knew she had to.

He gulped, unsure of what to say.

She fidgeted nervously, looking down at the floor.

"I'm going to sleep." He muttered and she nodded, looking anywhere but him.

He turned away stopped again.

"Thanks for Dinner."

He saw the surprise on her face, but she just nodded again staying near the door.

He sighed and walked back to his bed laying down.

Vera contemplated about where to sleep. She came back, but was unsure of her feelings about everything.

She didn't tell him to stop. Not even once. So could she blame him? A small part of her knew if she said the word, he would've stopped instantly.

She walked in, laying back down on her side of the bed, pulling on her own blanket, which she would have thought that he removed by now. Everything of hers was still there.

He did not speak to her, and that was fine for her, it's not like she knew what she was going to say to him.

Luca felt more at ease as he closed his eyes, finally feeling Sleep consuming him. Vera closed her eyes, focused on sleeping and keeping herself calm.


I'm having the worst writers block ever. Every day I tell myself to sit down and write, something for you guys, but it just doesn't work. So unfortunate!

I will be trying to get a chapter out for Debt Collectors soon. Hopefully this weekend!

Thanks for the support.

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