Chapter 25 : The Run-in with danger

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"So, you're the one who saved my dad?" Melissa said from the ground.

Izuku is currently texting Daigo, sending him info "Pretty much."

Melissa stood up and brushed the dust off of her pants "Well, let's properly introduce ourselves. I'm Melissa Shield, nice to meet you."

Izuku nodded back "Izuku Midoriya. I wish we would meet under better circumstances, but this could be worse."

David seemed uneasy, like he was hiding something while thinking of a plan, he observed Izuku from top to bottom again "Midoriya."

"Hmm?" Izuku walked to the other side of the room and looked out the window behind the curtains.

"Can I leave my daughter in your care?"

"Sure, wh-" Izuku caught himself mid-sentence "Wait."

David looked at him "I'm still hoping to accomplish what I came here for,  but now that there's threats against my daughter. I want you to look after her, protect her, and save her if needed be. There's no one else I could trust right now but you."

"Couldn't you just...go to the police?"

David's phone then ring up "Uh,-Oh!? I'll have to be off for now, business meetings. Heh, I'll leave her in your care. Take her to your apartment if you feel that this place is not safe!" before he speed-walked out of there.

The two teens, now alone, looked at each other "Uhh..."

Melissa adjusted her glasses "Well...perhaps we should...What should we do?"

Izuku pulled out his phone to see what Daigo might suggest.

'Take her to your apartment. It will be safer than the hotel that scientist is staying.'

"Sure, that isn't awkward at all." Izuku muttered under his breath.

"What isn't?" Melissa poked her head over.

"Nothing!" Izuku jumped up and looked at the time.

11:55 PM.

"How about we head to my apartment like your father said." Izuku said as he looked at the windows again.

Melissa looked at him with a questioning glare "Hmmm...I wonder if you have any other...'Intentions'...."

Izuku hid his blush "I know it sounds weird...but it woul-"

Melissa smiled "I know. I think you're a nice person, so I'll trust you, Midoriya-kun."

"Good. Let's go-" but before Izuku could finish his sentence, he tackled Melissa to the ground as a sniper round is shot through the glass window.

He quickly kicked the door open "Run down the stairs to the reception! I'll follow behind.!"

Melissa nodded and ran ahead.

Izuku grabbed the broom nearby and held it like a staff "This'll do."

He ran out the door to see several men walking towards him "Step up if you want to die."

The men then activated their quirks, and then sprinting at him.

"Okay! They have quirks!" Izuku quickly ran away.

One of the men tapped a piece of wood before throwing it towards Izuku "Killer Queen has already touched that!"

Izuku saw in slow-motion as that piece of wood flew right past him 'Oh shit...'

The man then pressed his thumb down on his hand "Say goodbye, bitch! We'll take care of your girlfriend real well!"

Izuku quickly acted "This is what growing up with Bakugo teaches you!" and does something that surprised the attackers.

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