Chapter 1

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I raced through the streets clutching a hot loaf of bread to my chest, I had just stolen it from the baker. He was a bulky man with a misshapen face, it looked like he was dropped on his head as a baby.

He was muscular from his years kneading dough and tending to the oven. He yelled insults and threats in a heavy accent. I sped up, almost at my base, an abandoned and rundown little shack that used to be a tailor's shop. When I had found it it was filled with racks of cloth that had once been elegant but was now moth bitten and soaked by a leak in the roof. I barreled around a corner pushing past a mother and her kid, the streets were packed today.

Shoving my way through a group of rich teenaged snobs out shopping, I bolted out out onto the cobble road, dodging carriages and horses, the baker was still chasing me. He was winded and couldn't last as long as I could. He's never run this far before though maybe he'll catch me this time. I thought nervously, I was out of breath too but I had to keep going, spurred on by a deep seated hunger, the loaf clutched to my chest had just got out of the oven.

I turned to look back to see the baker was catching up. Maybe I had an edge because of my size but he had a full stomach and a safe place to return to.

Something I'd never had.

My foot slipped out from under me, a pebble on the sole of my bedraggled boot. The world tilted and cobblestone rushed up at me. I tucked in the loaf closer to my body trying to protect it but instead my shoulder hit the ground with a sharp crack and I let go of the loaf I watched slide away comically.

The baker came up behind me laughing he kicked me in the stomach I curled up into a ball to spare myself further from his heavy boot.
     But he walked away to get the bread still laughing, "I'll be back for you, you filthy beggar." I wheezed trying to tell that I wasn't I beggar, I was a thief. I couldn't breathe. I groaned. All this work for nothing. I tried to get to my feet and realized I'd skinned both my knees, I decided it would be less painful to stay on the ground.

When he reappeared in my blurred vision he yanked me up from the collar of my shirt, "I'll have the king deal with you," he growled, "He'll find a punishment to suit you." He sneered, my eyes widened, I'd have preferred if he'd have beat me instead of bringing me to the king. Fair trial wasn't exactly going to benefit me.

I tried to squirm out of his grip but he had me tight. He dragged me all the way back down the street to where his cart was waiting, he threw me in the covered back which contained only several bags of grain, nothing I could use.

I heard the baker shout a command and a whip snap, then the carriage started moving, I dragged myself into a corner, I hated not knowing where I was. My future was always uncertain but at least I had always known where I was. My stomach growled, I hadn't eaten anything other than apple peels in three days, maybe I should have taken a bite in my haste to get away. I curled up, my bloody knees close to my chin. though the castle wasn't too far it was still not close enough for this ride to be pleasant, butI was grateful for the long drive it gave me more time to plan my escape.

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