Chapter 17

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The world seemed different when I stepped back into the cold sunlight. Though the sun was still shining, the servants were still bustling about the castle doing their work and it seemed like nothing had changed, everything had.

I would be better off as a runaway, the only reason I had really stayed here was the princess. And I wasn't allowed to even see her now. That was part of Yaomomo's bargain with the king.

Because apparently, I am a bad influence.

My duties changed, I helped out the waitstaff in the kitchen. Nowhere near Yaomomo, Arisu made sure of that. I started to despise my supervisor, she was always hovering around me. Like I would run off to go see Yaomomo, even at the risk of a beheading. And sure, it's not like I hadn't thought about it before. If I were to die for anything, it would be for her. But she wanted me to live.

"Snap out of it Jirou!" Ashido huffed and hip checked me out of her way, "get your head out of your butt and hurry it up!"
"Yeah yeah, I'm coming." I grumbled, lifting the charcuterie tray up on my fingertips. Ashido was very straightforward and could be mean sometimes, but she always meant well. Grinning even as she scolded me for shirking my duties.

     She stopped at a doorway for me, "I always like these things," she whispered like it was a confession, "we get to see all the lords and ladies in their best dress, and we even get to wear something a little fancier." she patted the folds of her plain black dress.

Today a day all the cooks I had met these past few weeks told me they had been looking forward to. Getting to make the most extravagant desserts, and for some reason, really tiny foods.

I will never understand rich people, throwing a ball for no apparent reason, only to serve what they call "hors d'oeuvres", which is just the tiny food. But who knows, maybe there is a reason for this ball, the winter was almost over after all.

A butler opened the door for us, shooting Ashido a wink as he did. She rolled her eyes at him, but as soon as the door was shut she elbowed me right in the stomach and giggled,
     "I think he likes me," she said. Normally I would have agreed, told her how I noticed his glances at her across the room.
     But at the moment I was averse so any form of love, so I just muttered a quiet "yeah," and that was that.

The party dragged on, Ashido stayed by my side, oogleing the gigantic diamonds hanging from the necks of every lady. The nobles, to no one's surprise were as pretentious as they were rich. Turning their noses up at those they deemed lower than themselves and flat out ignoring the staff.

Ashido, the chronic optimist told me how she would one day attend a ball like this as one of the guests, not just a maid. I didn't even bother to tell her not to hope, that would be hypocritical, especially when I kept peering over the heads of spinning dancers for a glimpse of the princess. If she was here, she wouldn't be looking for me.

"Look," Ashido pulled my arm, almost making me drop my tray. This was the fourth time tonight she had pointed over at that red haired butler, "it's that prince-y fellow,"

Except, she wasn't pointing at Kirishima this time. "Shoto Todoroki," the king hailed, "welcome to my kingdom."

My blood curdled, I knew that name. The prince Yaomomo is engaged to, he's here much sooner than I thought he would be.
"Jirou," Ashido's singsongy voice lilted, "Isn't he handsome Jirou? Too bad he's engaged. You think I'd have a chance if he wasn't?"
I zoned back in, "What?"
"I'm joking!" she pouted at my apparent lack of humor, "Kiri has my heart!" she hip checked me again, a little harder than I think she meant to, and this time my entrees actually did spill out onto the floor. "Woah! Sorry Jirou," she yelped, "I'll go get you a new one."
"It's okay." I sighed, "I'll go get it, just make sure no one trips over this mess."

I squeezed my way past the tables, apologizing as I went. Kirishima opened the door for me when I neared, he smiled sympathetically. Apparently he too had witnessed the spillage.

My dress dripped chocolate on the carpet on my way to the kitchen, I knew I'd get in more trouble with Arisu with the mess here than if I was a little late back to the great hall. So I hitched up my skirt and made my way to the nearest powder room.

Usually I wouldn't be allowed in the main powder room, but now the halls were empty and I figured no one would be going to this one anyways.

And as I suspected, it was empty. So plopped down in front of the water basin and began to scrub. The stain wasn't coming even with soap nor how hard I scrubbed. I thought it would've been at least a little less visible, but the more I washed the more it amplified the discoloration. I doubted I would be allowed back into the great hall looking like this. I sat back on my heels and glared at the noncomplying cloth, water making it cling to my knees.

"Ugh!" I slapped at my leg, "stupid party! They have one of these stupid things every week!" I buried my head in my hands, "and this time it's for a stupid prince!" I threw the washcloth across the room, it his the wall with a wet splat! and fell to the floor sadly.

And with that, everything that had been building up in my throat these past few weeks rose to the surface as tears flooded my eyes. For a second, I let myself wallow. Feeling sorry for myself and the predicament I was in.

Then the door creaked open, shit. I scrambled to get the washcloth and get to my feet before whichever entitled rich bastard walked in would see me.
I turned quickly to see the princess at the door, "Yaomomo?"

Her eyes landed on the splotch on my skirt, then the washcloth in my hand, and finally to my blotchy red cheeks. She glanced behind her as if to make sure no one was following, then shut the door behind her with a quiet click.

"Jirou? Are you okay?" she asked cautiously, approaching me slowly, like I was a feral animal.
"Yeah," I sniffed, trying to subtly wipe away tears, "I'm fine."
Her pitch black eyes studied my face for a long moment as she walked closer, "No," she decided, "no you're not."

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