Chapter 4

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The King was silent for a long moment as he considered my story. I could only hope he would be kind, although from what I'd heard from passing villagers in my town he was harsh on tax and criminals. Since he came into rule the crime rate had gone down dramatically.

"You're life has not been an easy one child." The king spoke, his voice was softer, more gentle than before, "but I'm afraid I cannot allow you to be left unpunished." I couldn't see it, but behind me, I'm sure the baker wore a smug grin. "You are sentenced to the castle's dungeon until I am sure you will never steal again."

The breath was knocked out of me, it was like I had been hit by the carriage that had driven me here, but the reality only really set in until the king gave a curt nod at the guards next to me; yanking me to me feet and wrenching my hands behind my back. A cold pressure locked around my wrists.
"Please!" I cried, "Please, I'll die!" it was a death sentence, if they ever let me out I would have nowhere to go, no place to stay and no way to stay alive without theft. Everyone needed to eat, even rats living in the filth of the streets.

The king was not moved by my pleas, a wave of his hand and I was dragged, still begging, to the doors I had come through.
"Stop!" Everyone's eyes were drawn to where the voice had come from. The guards obeyed the command without thought. "Father please,"

Father? I thought, The princess. and that it was. A girl about my age stepped from a door behind the throne only addressing the king, her father. "Have some sympathy, please Father."
"Momo, I told you not to interfere in matters of the crown." The king's gaze was icy and commanding but the princess held his gaze for a long while before speaking up again.
"She is just a child Father, she has no place to go. You can't just throw her in the dungeons." He could actually, he was just about to, but I wasn't going to argue. "We could help her Father."

For the first time since she entered she looked at me, I realized how very beautiful she was. Her eyes were black like the king's, but warm. Her long dark hair drawn up into a bun on the top of her head. It was a neat and elaborate bun but I thought she would look better when her hair was down.

She gave me a small smile that light up the room. Then turned back to her father. "Let her live at the castle as a servant. She could be my handmaiden, she wouldn't need to steal anymore. If she had food and a place to stay she wouldn't steal."
     "You seem so sure of that daughter, how are you so sure she won't take her pick of your jewels and run away?"
     Her voice was light as the next words left her mouth, "How do you know she will? Everyone deserves a chance Father."

Time seemed to slow as the king made his decision, he clearly didn't want to let me stay here, but he seemed to be listening to the princess.

"Very well," he sighed, turning back to me he said, "you will get your chance girl. Don't waste it." I thought I was a small twinkle in his eyes when he waved to the guards. "Take her to the servant's quarters, they'll take care of her."

The baker started to protest but the king silenced him with a look, "we have made our decision baker, and you will never have to deal with this thief again. So I'd advise you to be on your way." he said sternly. I watched as the baker's face turned purple, but he knew better than to oppose the king. He would leave.

The hallway leading away from the room where I had almost been imprisoned in was just as ornately decorated. Portraits of old men wearing crowns every few feet along with pictures of their wives or children, hung up with care, not a speck of dust in sight. Someone took special care in the cleaning of these pictures. The servants, where I'd be going.

The servant's quarter was decidedly less bejeweled as the rest of the castle, tucked away behind a heavy door where none of the castle guests could see. It was the convenience of a clean room when they didn't want to see the ones who'd made it that way.

A small table ladened with burning candles struggling to keep the room properly lit, servants bustling from room to room taking care of their respective tasks.

I no longer wore the chains around my wrists but I could still feel their lingering cold when I brushed across the rubbed red skin with my fingers. I hadn't spent long in them but I had desperately tried to get them off. If it was rope I was bound in I would be halfway across the nation by now, sure I could pick a lock as easy as the next thief, but only if I had a pin or something similar in shape. Right now I was all out of tricks.

"Ahem," a woman wearing the drab garbs of a servant approached our out-of-place group. "Do you need any assistance Messeres?" she addressed the knights invading her domain.
"Ah yes," The knight who had removed the chains from my wrists spoke up, "the king said to bring her here as the princesses new handmaiden."
The servant woman stood straighter, not try at all to disguise the way she was appraising me, "The princess has not had a handmaiden since the last one quit." she said more to herself than anyone else. Why would the princess's handmaiden quit?

"Very well then, I'll get her cleaned up. She'll be ready to serve the princess by the end of the week."
"Tell us if you have any trouble." the second guard spoke up, I fought the urge to stick my tongue out at him as he walked away, trailed by the first guard.

"Well then missy, let's get you cleaned up." There was a cruel glint in her eyes I recognized from the worst of the nuns at the orphanage. Just what had I gotten myself into? At least I had another chance to start over. Maybe it would be better this time. Then again, that's what I told myself last time.

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