Chapter 14

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Momo had always gotten what she wanted. At least, that's what her numerous servants had told her, "Momo, you're so lucky", "I wish I had a dress like that!", "This necklace is so pretty!" and similar confessions of jealousy rung in her ears.

The truth is, she had never really wanted any of those things. Sure, they were nice to have, but she'd much rather have the attention of her father when she told him that she was perfectly capable of running the kingdom on her own. Without what was sure to be catastrophe of an arranged marriage, and a husband who was sure to do much the same as her father had.

What if all she had been given and all she had worked for amounted to nothing? What then? What if all she is was going to be reduced to a trophy on someone's arm?

The sounds of clinking chains brought her back into the present. There were two guards surrounding a scared looking Jirou, forcing her wrists into cuffs that would attach to the similar links around her ankles, keeping her from running away. Jirou didn't put up a fight, reminding her how Jirou had probably been through this routine many times, "Stop!" Momo cried, knowing her pleas would be fruitless in the end. But she needed to know that there was someone out there who would at the very least try and protect her. "Please let her go." Momo begged, and just as she thought the guards grips didn't loosen or their eyes show any sympathy towards their prisoner.

Instead when she caught one of their eyes Momo didn't read the expected loyalty to her as their princess. But a scorn that read "selfish brat", those that would have died for her now hated her? But why, what did they know? "Just please," her voice broke, "please don't hurt her. She did nothing wrong."

No response.

They dragged Jirou away, her eyes still to the ground. Not meeting Momo's, Momo sank back into her chair, how did it all go wrong so fast? She wondered, there was no one to blame but herself. She got them into this situation, it would be up to her to get them out of it.

The clock slowed, it's ticking was the only thing that reminded her that it was only a few minutes that had passed, not days waiting for her father to call her into his throne room. Her stomach growled, she still hadn't gotten anything to eat yet. She tried her best to ignore the rumbling; at times it would drown out the ticking of the clock her focus was drawn to.

     The door to the throne room creaked open, Arisu stood by it and gestured Momo inside, "This way Your Majesty." Momo stood as graciously as her shaky legs allowed her to. Chiding herself for her nervousness, there's no room for weakness Momo. You mustn't let it cloud your mind. She swept into the carpeted room projecting as much confidence as she could muster.

She addressed her father with a false smile and an over exaggerated curtsey, "Your Majesty," despite Momo's displays her voice still seemed meek in the grand room.
     "Daughter," His voice boomed in comparison, "what were you doing outside the castle walls?"
Momo rose from the curtsey, straightening her spine slowly. Optimizing her answer, "I have been locked in this castle my whole life Father. Don't you think it's about time I go see my people?"
His glare made her think he would deny her; tell her she belonged in the castle and that is where she would stay. But he said slowly, articulating every word, as if he were talking to a child, "Yes, but do you think it right that you go with a thief and a beggar?"
I stiffened, "She is not a thief Father,"
"She stole," he said coldly,
"She was hungry," I argued, "she would have died."

Jirou had never shared much about her life before the castle with Momo, but she could see the echo of a starving child in her eyes. In the way she would eat quickly, as if every meal was her going to be her last. In the way she would instinctively pick up knickknacks no one cared about just to have something in her pockets. She hadn't had anything for so long she so desperately wanted to now.

"She is tricking you. She wants your kindness, your charity," he spat, Momo began to protest, but the king held up a hand to silence her. "Guards," he called, voice echoing against the marble walls, "take her to the dungeons!"
"No!" Momo cried, "no Father, I beg you to reconsider!"
"I will not let her fool you any longer," the king glowered down from his throne, "you must remember your place. You are the princess of the greatest nation of the world. You mustn't let yourself be distracted by every servant girl with a sad story."
"Please Father," Momo cried again, her father calling Arisu with a hand, probably to tell her to take her back to her room. "Father I love her!"

Momo's voice echoed throughout the now silent room, her words surprised even herself, she felt everyone's eyes upon her, staring, judging. Like they always did, like they always would. Waiting for her to slip up and make a mistake, she just did.

"Arisu," her father was as hard as stone now, "escort her to her room and don't let her out until my order."
Momo was crying now, "Father, don't be cruel," Momo insisted, "it's not her fault," she repeated, "please, it's not her fault."

Arisu reached towards Momo to lead her away, "Your Majesty-," she said, Momo slapped her hand away and stomped out of the room leaving Arisu behind, very aware of how childish she looked.

     When Momo threw open the door to a smaller hallway, letting it slam behind her, unsure of where she was going. She stopped in her tracks, "Momo?" Jirou said, reaching forward but the chains held by the guards stopped her from going any further. "Are you okay? You look upset?" Jirou began to walk towards her but a glance at the helmed man on her right made her hesitate. So she just concentrated on Momo like if she focused enough she would appear, unchained by her side.

How could Father think she is manipulating me when her first thought, even when she is going to the dungeon, is of my health?

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