Chapter 13

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The buzz of excitement didn't wear off even as we exited the dance floor, trying our best to not get flattened on the cobblestones by festival goers. Momo suggested we move to a less crowded area now that we were warm from the dancing, I could see it on her flushed cheeks and from the quickened pulse in her hand, beating as fast as mine was. I could only hope that... never mind.

We walked down the street, swaying side to side with the flow of the beat. Even after the crowds had disappeared and we could no longer hear the music.
     She pulled me out of the road and held both of my hands in hers, "Can I give you something?" she asked,
     I tilted my head to the side, "Sure, what is it?"
     She let go of my hands to unclasp the necklace I didn't see her put on at the beginning of the night, "Here," she took it off and put in in my hands.
     I held it gingerly, "Momo," I whispered, "it's beautiful," I glanced up at her, "I can't take this,"
     "Yes you can," her eyes pleaded with me to keep it, "I'd really like for you to have it."
     I closed my fingers over it, "Thank you," I whispered, I'd never been given something so beautiful before.
     She smiled, "I'll put it on for you." she took the jewelry from my hands and swept my hair to the side. Very carefully she did the clasp around my neck, I felt the cold silver against the base of my throat. Reaching up to the gemstone in the very center, a beautiful red ruby.
     "Are you sure I can have this?" I asked again, she laughed lightly and pulled me back to the lighted path.

     After a little bit more walking I heard a quiet rumble coming from Momo, or rather her stomach. I raised an eyebrow, "hungry?" I asked,
     She blushed, "Sorry," she muttered, "I didn't get to eat back home."
     I chuckled, fingering the ruby around my throat, "I've heard about a good soup shop near here. Do you want to go there?"
     She nodded fervently, "that sounds good," tone not matching her outward excitement.
     I didn't want to dampen her mood but we were getting wary looks from shopkeepers who had nothing better to do than watch the empty streets and wait for their next customer. I leaned in to whisper in her ear, "Keep your hood up," she shot me a worried look, "it's okay," I explained hurriedly, "just to be safe."

Streaks of sunlight stretched out their last golden rays as the sun disappeared under the horizon, leaving tiger stripes fading into deep blues in their place.

The soup shop was modest, to be generous. But I'd been to far worse places with much better food and atmosphere in my orphanage days than in the castle, where the servants were forced to sit in a bare stone room. Out of sight from guests in the castle. Even if the food was more hearty.

The bell rung merrily as we stepped through the squeaky door. The lively chatter drowning out the pounding of my heart in my ears. What would happen if someone recognized Momo? Hopefully we wouldn't need to find out.

     Self conscious of every step I took we approached the counter, Momo stopped me, "Wait, do we have any money?"
     "I definitely don't," I said, "did you bring any?"
     "I guess I didn't really prepare to be buying anything," Momo checked her pockets, she shook her head "no, I don't have anything,"

     The voice of the shopkeeper floated above the noise, somehow catching the attention of every diner, "Y'all need help with anything?"
     Momo opened her mouth to reply, but I spoke up before she could, "No Ma'am," I answered. I turned back to Momo and asked, "Do you want to leave?"

     Before she could say anything I heard a familiar voice from the other room, "Jirou? What are you doing here?" Arisu weaved through the crowded tables to get to us.
     "Momo!" I hissed, "you've gotta leave!"
     "What?" she whispered,
     "Quickly," I ordered, "get out of here!"

     As she saw Arisu she realized how bad it could be it Arisu saw her. She hurried away trying to keep as inconspicuous as possible. "Wait right there," Arisu's stern command stopped Momo in her tracks. She didn't turn around, "Look at me young lady," Momo winced, debating her options. She slowly faced her, still keeping her head low, obscuring her face as much as she could.

     Arisu reached forward and pulled off her hood. Upon seeing Momo's face she seemed unclear on whether she should scold her or bow. "Princess?" she lowered her hand, "what are you doing here?" Momo shook her head, so instead she whirled on me, "You brought her here?"
"I-," I stammered, "I'm sorry- I didn't,"
"She can't go out of the castle," Arisu glared,
I pulled at my skirts nervously, "I know, I know."
"If you're doing what I think you're doing, you should know it is an act of treason." she said evenly.
"Arisu-, I promise I'm not," I started to choke up, "please," I felt the eyes of everyone in the room on me, my voice cracked with emotion.

"It's my fault Arisu," Momo spoke up, desperation in her voice, "please don't blame Jirou," Arisu scowled at me as Momo spoke, "I asked her to take me out here, knowing I wasn't allowed to leave." she lowered her eyes to the floor, "I made her bring me here." the voices in the background had become hushed as we talked. Everyone was listening to us.

"I pity you children," she said sadly, "but I will have to tell the king," she frowned and I could see the age lines around her eyes deepen, "it is my duty to the crown."

And with those words, I could feel the new life I was beginning to live, end.

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