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Oh, tiny little birdie,
Look at you sitting on the birch tree,
So diminutive, yet so brave
With a small gasp,  you will set yourself free
Trying to fly far, far away
Only because you are afraid to fly over the briny blues,
Scared that you'll get lost in the splendid skies
What to conquer the fear or the failure

Back in the day when you were little
You would try to fly over the puddles from the rain
But oh, your little wings entirely soaked
Drenched from the pouring rain
Running out of breath because of denser air,
You would shiver and tremble
You would flap your wings aggressively, panicking
And then you'll start whiffling down
Thinking you should give up
But you are much braver, Birdie
How to be a little more braver, Birdie

You only cheep louder!
Papa bird, papa bird, please come help
I can't fly because there's only water everywhere
And then papa bird said
" Aren't you brave Birdie,
You are a papa's brave baby, Birdie"
You only tried to become braver,
But you never understood the fear you bore in your heart

You buried it away
You would avoid the water
Thinking you may never need to fly in the rain,
You never even fled over a tiny puddle
Not even a pot of water, ever again
Not even on a bright and sunny day
Your fear filling up your brain,
Your body programmed to escape the water
The fear that program you to escape the rain
All that bravery put to waste

What even is fear, if it is so easy to overcome
What even is the use of strength,
If you don't put it in the right place
Remember what papa bird said,
"Birdie, you are a brave baby"
Just follow papa's words, Birdie
Just stick to a tiny piece of advice,
A brave heart may not always make you wiser
But it always makes you courageous
It only builds your stronger

And one day when you are really strong
When you are desperate enough to set a braver flight
You may try to fly over the ocean again
Until then Birdie,
Gather all your strength
For the braver Birdie to waver
Over the puddles left behind by the rain
Fly over those from tremendous lakes
Conquer her fears and explore the world fearlessly
Because Birdie,
You are so brave...

-Archie Narang

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