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Salem POV.
Location: Evernight Castle the land of Darkness

Right now the three mistresses of Darkness are studying the book of black using Salem's dark magic they realized that the book was extremely powerful and it was infused with the darkest forms of magic they had ever seen But beside that there was also a bit of holy magic to it as well.

Salem: how strange the holy magic that lies within this book seems to be some kind of seal to keep the dark magic trapped within.

Ragyo: interesting

Missi: what I don't understand is why are the pages blank?

Salem: I haven't the foggiest idea but I intend to find out.

Salem tried to figure out why the pages were blank but soon enough she accidentally dropped an Inkwell the ink spilled onto the pages of the book of black she picked up the inkwell before any more ink would be spilled but soon enough she noticed that the pages of the book absorbed the ink leaving nothing behind she flipped through the pages and she noticed that the ink that happened spilled had disappeared Without a Trace.

Salem: interesting I wonder~

Salem immediately picked up a quill she dipped the tip into The Inkwell she then started writing on the page.

Salem: my name is Salem

The writing on the page immediately was absorbed into the book and within a couple of seconds new writing appeared on the page.

"Hello Salem my name is Kaon Prometheus Black"

The three mistresses of Darkness were amazed to see what they saw soon enough the writing vanished and this time Ragyo wrote something.

Ragyo: can you tell us about yourself?

The writing vanished into the page and soon enough more writing appeared.

"of course me and my brother were created to be the Ultimate Weapon but we didn't turn out as they wanted they performed multiple tests on us as babies my brother had a pure heart I had pure evil inside of me they tried to destroy us but they only sent us to a greater destiny"

Missi immediately took the quill dipped it a couple times in The Inkwell and started to write.

Missi: can you tell us more about yourself?

Immediately was absorbed into the book and more writing appeared.


The three mistresses of Darkness became upset thinking that the book was not going to tell them anymore but soon enough they noticed that more writing began to appear.

"but I can show you"

Salem: huh?

" let me take you back to my younger years there I will show you what I became"

Soon enough the writing vanished and the book began to flip its own Pages until it arrived at a certain page at the top left corner of the page the date March 15th 3099 appeared.

Ragyo: hmm

They leaned forward and they notice that between the two pages a bright light began to appear and within a couple of seconds the three mistresses of Darkness or sucked into the book as soon as they vanished the book closed.

3rd person POV.
Location: [UNKNOWN]

The three mistresses of Darkness appeared in a flash of light the three of them looked around and they noticed they were on board some sort of strange alien ship all around them were highly Advanced and sophisticated robots of an unknown design and make.

EVIL IS SOUL DEEP (Evil Male Reader x Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now