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Y/n's POV.
Location: The Citadel the Dark Side of the Moon

Right now Y/n L/n is sitting on his throne in the Citadel preparing for the next full moon when he would have to reveal himself to the world as the new dark lord of all so far he has been working in the shadows and the world only knows about him because of the signal he sent out to broadcast his rebirth.

Y/n: today is a glorious day one of those days where you're just happy to be alive~

Soon the full moon shall rise and the Dark Lord of all Shall attack his first Target his first targets being the demi-human academy in Transylvania he shall try to get every single monster students and staff members to join him and he who do not will suffer a fate worse than death also he has chosen this Academy has his first Target because he knows that if he takes it down quickly it will not send out a signal for help to the other academies they will have just appeared to have gone dark and finally this Academy has something that the Dark Lord of all one buried of beneath it something born of pure chaos Y/n L/n sat in his throne playing around with a ball of Hellfire tossing it back and forth between his two hands eventually Samantha enters the room.

Y/n: good morning Samantha to what do I owe the pleasure of this unexpected visit?

Samantha's visor lights up showing that the Dark Lord of all had a communication coming his way and it was from none other than Cinder Fall.

Y/n: Ah the lovely Cinder Fall I've been wondering when I would see her again put her through~

Immediately Samantha does as she's told patching Cinder through so that she may communicate with the Dark Lord of all a holographic image of Cinder appears before the dark lord and she begins her medication with a respectful bow.

Cinder: hello my Lord~

Y/n: good morning Cinder it's good to hear from you again what do I owe the pleasure of this call?

Cinder: well my Lord we wish for you to attend a meeting of the White Fang seeing as you are one of the most popular faunus in the criminal underworld right now they wish to meet you and have you attend the White Fang to show your support.

Y/n: what you're saying sounds like it could serve my purposes well I might be able to make some new allies in the White Fang and who knows I might be able to expand my Army consider it done I'll be there ASAP.

Immediately the Dark Lord of all got up from his throne and he looked down at Samantha was ready to take any orders she was given.

Y/n: Samantha open a ground Bridge to the kingdom of vale.

Immediately she revs up the ground bridge and a green ground Bridge portal opens the Dark Lord of all immediately stepped through the portal and he is taken to the kingdom of Vale he is right outside an old Warehouse surrounded by White Fang guards soon enough he is greeted by none other than Cinder Fall and her two minions Emerald and Mercury.

Cinder: hello my lord it's good to see you again.

Y/n: it's good to see you again as well Cinder and it's lovely to see you both as well Mercury and Emerald.

Mercury: back at you dude.

Emerald: thank you my Lord it's nice to see you again as well.

Y/n: so how is this going to work?

Cinder: just follow me the meeting is about to start when you get up on stage just try to be inspirational and if you need to put the fear of you into them.

Y/n: sounds like a plan to me~

Immediately they enter the warehouse and the dragon faunus is met with the leader of the splinter group that is the terrorist White Fang his name is Adam Taurus.

EVIL IS SOUL DEEP (Evil Male Reader x Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now