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3rd Person POV.
Location: Musutafu Japan

The students of class 1A or at least what was left of them watched in horror as the number one villain managed to not only regenerate completely from an attack that should have killed anyone but now he was not only stronger than ever but he was now ready for round two while the number one hero was now permanently out of play.

Scaloris: yes take a long slow look for this is this world's present and future~

Scaloris used his dark magic to create what can only be described as two bladed energy claws.

Scaloris: now it's time to end this~

The Dark Lord of all preceded to kill what remained of the number one hero with one single swing of his energy claws once All Might was dead once and for all the remainder of class 1A could feel a horrible dread and despair building within them and when this happened it made them susceptible to the influence of the chaos pearls.

Scaloris: yes allow that Darkness to build for now you are all my slaves~

Scaloris unleashed the dark Wicked powers of the chaos pearls by releasing neon green stank he was able to corrupt and mutate the students of class 1A warping them into horrifying and grotesque Abominations and thanks to the power of the Everstone the transformation was completely permanent.

Scaloris: yes now you will all do as I command!!!

Soon enough the rest of Y/n's servants returned from the slaughter of UA High and in one of their hands They Carried the broken battered body of the principle of UA High.

Scaloris: it appears that my true family has returned with my prize~

Vendetta: my Lord UA high Has Fallen and we've brought you a little gift~

The Symbiote bonded Junko tossed the bruised and bloodied body of Nezu.

Scaloris: hello Nezu~

Nezu attempted to get back up but he was too weak all he could do was look up at the Dark Lord of all.

Nezu: hello Scaloris or should I call you Y/n L/n?~

Lord Scaloris opened his face to reveal Y/n L/n.

Y/n: you have no right to call me by my old name and besides my true name is now....

His face closed up presenting the Visage of the Dark Lord of all.

Scaloris: Lord Scaloris!!!!~

Nezu: I'm sorry for what happened we shouldn't have treated you the way we did I am truly sorry.

Scaloris: you see now you respect me because I'm a threat and because I'm more powerful than you could ever possibly imagine and that's the way it works there are whole countries full of threats who demand and want respect and they will pay through the nose to get it but unlike them I truly have the power to wipe out all of my opponents and earn that respect~

Nezu looked up and to his other horror he saw his students mutated and their bodies worked into horrible monstrous transformations.

Nezu: what did you do to them?!?!

Scaloris: I remade them in my own image and you can take this to your grave your former students Shall Serve me forever because they are permanently under my control and now your students are no more now they will become the first of many who have fallen to my ultimate power!~

Scaloris proceeded to kill the former principal of UA High with no mercy whatsoever once he was done the Dark Lord of all and his new funkified monsters preceded to conquer all of Japan beginning a tour of Conquest across the island country of Japan building up his army of funkified monster Warriors eventually his small number of funkified mutated Warriors went from 19 to the hundreds and then to the thousands now his Legions of Warriors has grown to exponential numbers and now Japan Has Fallen.

EVIL IS SOUL DEEP (Evil Male Reader x Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now