dating jaden

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what it's like dating jaden:

- you go to his baseball games all the time

- lots of cuddles

-fake flirting with javon as a joke

- jayla and kylee are your best friends

- he basically buys you everything and anything you want

- you play roblox with daelo a lot

- when you're not with him, he texts you all the time

- his parents love you and your parents kinda like him ig

- always wants to make tiktoks or youtube videos with you

- he tells you he loves you and that you're beautiful everyday

- when you guys get into arguments, he most of the time says sorry first

- he drives you every and any where you want

- every time you hangout with jaden, you say "oMg iTs jAdEnNn" or "nah bruh" or any one of his quotes from his live tbh

- jaden be overprotective ngl

- he always wanna hangout with you

(a/n) comment if you like the chucky series🥶😮‍💨

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