long distance 2.

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(a/n) since y'all asked for a part 2, here y'all go.

it's been almost a month ever since i caught jaden cheating on me. after i caught him kissing the girl, i went back to LA but now i'm back in Georgia since i wanna try and talk to the waltons since they knew he was cheating on me and didn't say anything.

i make my way to the waltons house and knocked on the door.

"hey y/n, long time no see. how are you?" jessica says as she opened the door.

"everything's been great but i'm here to talk to y'all so if you don't mind bringing everyone down to the living room except for jaden so i can clear some things up"

"sure, no problem" she says as i walk inside and into the living room.

i wait a few minutes for everyone to come down and i start talking.

"hi guys, i'm here to have a little talk with you guys just to clear stuff up from previous events" i said.

"first, i have a quick question. did you guys know jaden was cheating on me before i got to the house?" i asked.

"well, when the girl first came here, jaden had told us she was a friend so we didn't really think much of it because i know you allow jaden to have girl friends but we kinda had a feeling something was up so that's why javon didn't want you to go in the room because we didn't want to see you sad for what might've went on in there." jayla explained.

"i just don't understand why he would cheat on me, like he could've just broken up with me first" i said getting teary.

"we are so sorry y/n, we did not raise him to act like this" dj said.

"do y'all mind if i go talk to him?" i asked. "not at all" jessica said.

i start walking upstairs and making my way to jadens room. i start getting nervous but i just go for it. i knocked on his door and he yells a come in.

i walk in and see that he's laying on his bed watching tiktoks. i miss him so much.

"hi y/n." he said.

"hi jaden." i said as i walk to his bed. "can we talk?" i asked as i sit on his bed.

"sure" he said sitting up. "i just wanna know why you did it?" i said straight up.

"i honestly don't know, i thought i lost feelings for you but over the past few weeks, i realized how much i miss you and wishes we were still together and i feel really guilty for cheating on you but i just wasn't in the right mindset and i wish i could just go back in time and not made that mistake."

"i'm really sorry y/n."

i was stuck. i didn't know what to do. i couldn't say anything but instead i just hugged him. this hug wasn't like any other hug, it was the best hug i've ever gotten.

"i forgive you jaden." i say. "thank you so much y/n" he said.

"but we're gonna start slow until i have my full trust back" i said. "that's fine with me, as long as i can still be with you, i'm fine." he says.

later that day, we just hung out. we went live, baked cookies, played roblox, maybe kissed a few times and much more we did.

(a/n) i feel like i made this kinda bad but it's whatever.

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