plane trip

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today i'm going on a trip to florida with jaden and his family plus kylee and her parents. i just woke up and now i'm getting ready.

 i just woke up and now i'm getting ready

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(this the outfit)

i know jadens gonna be mad when he see's the crop top i'm wearing under my sweater but oh well. anyways, i put that on then i just put my hair in a claw clip and didn't put that much makeup on because we're only going on a plane.

"Y/N HURRY YOUR ASS UP BEFORE YOU MISS YOUR FLIGHT" my mom yelled from downstairs. "IM COMING" i replied. (that's what she said😏)

i double check to see if i forgot something then i grab my stuff and go downstairs.

"let's go now" my mom said, as we started walking to the car.

i put my suitcase in the trunk and i sit in the passenger seat while my mom gets in the drivers seat and starts to drive.

"so are you excited that you get to be with jaden for a whole week?" my mom asked.

"well i've stayed with him for 14 days when we both had covid and quarantined together so it's no difference" i said as i text jaden that i'm on my way to the airport.

"i still can't believe you're letting me be in another state without you" i said.

"well i just really trust jessica and dj so much so i know they're gonna take really good care of you" my mom said.

few minutes later, we arrived at the airport and i take my suitcase out of the trunk.

"i'm gonna miss you and have a safe flight" she said while hugging me. "i'm gonna miss you too" i said hugging back.

"also don't forget to text me when you land, love you" she said, as i was walking away. "ok and love you too" i said, as i walked in the airport.

i was looking all around for jaden and his family. he said he was in terminal B so now i'm just tryna find it. also doesn't help that i'm like 5'0 so i can barely see where i'm going.

it's been like 5 minutes now and i still can't find it, so i called jaden.

"babe, i can't find it, i think i'm lost" i said, just standing in the middle of the airport like a lost child. "describe where you are so i can try to help you" he said.

"i'm by the "stop and go" store" i said. (i just made that up)

after i told him where i was at, he gave me the directions on where to go. i finally made it to terminal B and i went to them.

"bro that was literally a work out" i said, as i went up to jaden and pecked him quickly because his parents were right there.

i hugged everyone else when i decided to ask jayla, javon, jaden and kylee if they wanted to go to the starbucks that's right there.

since our plane doesn't leave until 11 am and it's only 9:30 am, we have some time to get some food and stuff.

i also asked daelo if he wanted anything and he said he wanted a strawberry açaí refresher. we got to starbucks and we ordered our stuff. and like always, jaden paid for my stuff even when i told him not too, he still did.

we got our stuff and we walked back to where we were and ate our stuff.

it hit 10:30 and they finally started letting people on the plane. we cleaned up our mess and we started walking in the plane.

"i call sitting next to daelo and jaden!" i said. they agreed with that so javon, kylee and jayla have to sit next to each other, jessica and dj get to sit with each other and kylee's parents are sitting with each other.

"i want the window seat!" daelo said in excitement. "you can have the window seat, i'll sit in the middle" i said as we sat down in our seats.

"babe, i'm tired" i said to jaden. "then go to sleep princess" he said, looking at me. i kissed him and he kissed back.

"EWW" daelo said, closing his eyes. me and jaden both pulled away and laughed.

"i just realized what you're wearing" jaden said, getting kinda mad. (overprotective tingz🤪)

"what's wrong with what i'm wearing, i think i look cute" i said with a frown. "no you look amazing baby but i don't want people to see your stomach out" he said.

"oh well, i'm already wearing it so you can't do nothing about it" i said to him. "yea i can, i can zip up your sweater" he said zipping up my sweater.

i rolled my eyes and started laughing then a couple minutes later, i fell asleep on jadens shoulder. while i was sleep, jaden took a pic of me and posted it on his story.

couple hours later, we landed in florida.

"baby wake up, we're here" jaden said, shaking me awake. "we're here?" i said, yawning. "yes" he said.

we get up from our seats and we start getting off the plane, i held daelos hand as we were getting off the plane.

time skip to when they get to the hotel

we made it to our hotel room and we put all our stuff down. so we had got 3 rooms, two rooms have two beds and one room has one bed. so basically i have a choice, i can either share a room with kylee, jayla and daelo and jaden and javon share a room with jessica and dj and then kylee's parents have their room or i share a room with kylee, jayla and jaden then daelo and javon share with their parents and kylee's parents still have their own room.

i choose the second option because why not.

"i gotta be in a room with daelo and my parents, are you serious" javon whined. "hey, you can always sleep on the floor in our room if you want" i said.

"well i guess that's what i'm gonna do" he said.

i texted my mom that i made it to florida so she knows. everyone was pretty tired so we all decided to take a nap. i was cuddled with jaden and then i fell asleep again.

(a/n) i keep making them so long, if u don't like them so long, it's okay u can tell me

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