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today, is my birthday and i'm turning 16, yayyy. but the bad part is that i have school. (dang that sucks bro🙃)

it is what it is i guess. but besides the point, i wake up at 6 am because my mom had said she made me breakfast for my birthday because she doesn't normally make me breakfast.

i also don't need to get to school until 8:30 am so i have enough time. i go downstairs and my mom says happy birthday to me and gives me a hug, i then start eating my breakfast.

while i eat my breakfast, i get a text from jaden.


happy birthday princess,
i hope u have a good birthday,
i can't wait to see u at school,
i love u.❤️

he's so cute, i say in my head as i smiled to myself.

thank u baby, i can't wait to
see u too, i love u more❤️

also my family said
happy birthday too

tell them i said ty

ofc but i'll see u
at school

alr byee


end of conversation

i love him, he's the best. anyways, i finished eating and i go upstairs and start getting ready. also it's like 6:45 am rn.

(her outfit)

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(her outfit)

i did my makeup simple and i put my hair in a claw clip. i finished getting ready and by now it's like 7:25 am. jaden said he was gonna pick me up at 7:30 so i start gathering all my stuff so i could be ready.

after a few minutes later, he says he's outside so i say goodbye to my mom and i go outside and i get in the passenger seat.

"hey beautiful, happy birthday" he said hugging me and then kissing me. "thank you, babe" i said, as he started driving.

"can we get dunkin since we still have a lot of time left until school" i said. "of course baby, also, later i have something planned for u, well technically it's a family thing but i came up with the idea" he said.

"that's nice, i can't wait" i said, smiling.

we made it to dunkin, we went in the drive thru and i got my usual, an ice coffee and jaden just gets a bagel since he didn't eat breakfast.

we sit in the car, in the park lot, talking as we wait until it's time that we need to go to school.

"can i have some babe?" i said asking jaden for some of his bagel. "no, didn't you have breakfast?" he said.

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