strict parents

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so i have really strict parents and i have a boyfriend. i don't know how i managed to keep it a secret but my parents haven't found out so that means i'm pretty good at lying.

but anyways present time, i called jaden to come over because i'm so bored and my siblings are being mad annoying and i'm not trying to deal with them so ima have jaden deal with them with me.

so in order for me to have jaden come over, i have to have him climb through my window to get in my room. and that's exactly what he did.

"i'm never gonna get used to doing that" he said, breathing heavily. i laughed at how stupid he looks.

he came up to me and started kissing me. we were still kissing until there was a knock on the door and then the door flew opened.

"what the fuck, i thought i locked the door!" i yelled in stress as my 12 year old brother, aiden, was standing in the door way.

"who is this boy y/n?" he said, raising his eyebrows. "my boyfriend, please don't tell mom, i'll give you money" i said in panic.

jaden was just standing there, not knowing what to do. "i don't want money, get me a ps5 and i won't tell" he said, with a evil grin.

"aiden, you know i don't got money for a ps5" i said. "oh well then. MOMMM!!" he screamed.

"OH MY GOD, I SWEAR YOU'RE DEAD AIDEN" i yelled. my mom started running up the stairs to see what had happened.

"what's wro-. who the hell is this boy y/n" my mom said looking so mad, like the maddest she's ever been.

i just looked at her with guilt. ima bout to get my ass beat.

"my friend." i said, looking down.

"more like her boyfriend" aiden said, teasing me. he is so dead later.

"what happened to my rules on no boyfriends?" she said, literally staring into my soul. "maybe i should leav-" jaden tried to say but my mom interrupted him.

"um, you're not going anywhere until i figure this out" she said. i feel so bad for jaden.

"mom, i know you don't want me too have a boyfriend but i'm 15 now. i'm getting older to the point where it's time for you to let me live. plus, i'm so in love with jaden, you can't just take him away from me, i'm not gonna let that happen" i said, on the verge of tears.

my mom just looked at me with guilt.

"i'm sorry honey, i know i've been hard on you and i'm really sorry, i'm just trying to take care of you but i see that you're growing up now and i'll let you have more advantages" she said as she went up to hug me.

i hugged back.

"thank you mom" i said. "you're welcome but you're still grounded by the way, for letting him into the house without permission" she said. "i understand" i said.

"oh and a sorry to you too jaden" she said as she side hugged him. "don't worry, it's okay" he said, smiling.

by now, aiden had already left and my mom is just now leaving.

"don't lock this door" she said, leaving.

jaden and i just laughed and we went to my bed and was watching tiktok the whole time until he had to leave.

he kissed me and hugged me goodbye.

"i'll see you whenever since you're grounded" he said. "byee, love you" i said. "i love you more" he said as he left from the front door this time.

(a/n) do i really need to do an authors note every time at the end🙄🙄

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