Chapter Eleven

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Stiles slept over at the McCalls like old times

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Stiles slept over at the McCalls like old times. With his wife beside him sleeping he stroked her arm calmly. He stared at her with love felt eyes watching her sleep peacefully. She moved slightly causing him to stop. When she was done readjusting her pulled her into his chest.

She woke up being pulled into him. "Stiles? How long have you been awake?"

"A little while." She sat up in the bed looking down on him as he laid down on his side. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She questioned. "I should be the one asking you that. You haven't been home in days and when you did show up you were more wounded than you were before."

He leans his head against the backboard holding her hand over his chest. "I'm sorry I haven't talked to you or spent with you or Raven. I should have been here for you both. I know you guys are going through the same thing."

"Stiles, you should talk about it."

He chuckles, "weirdly I have." She turns to face him pulling him to sit up too and face her. "I've been with Scott. We made up, I guess you could say. There was a supernatural case and he asked if I wanted to help. I opened up to him about everything like I always used to."

His voice cracked as he laughed at himself. A couple tears trickle down his cheeks as he speaks. He tightens the grip on his wife's hand. He ran his shaken hand through his hair trying to calm himself down.

 He ran his shaken hand through his hair trying to calm himself down

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"I wasn't there with him, Lizzy. I wasn't there for him when he needed me. I couldn't stop what happened because I fucking blacked out."

She comforted him while cooing him rubbing his back. She clutched his shoulders captivating him in her small arms. "There's nothing you could have done, Stiles. Nobody saw it coming. You couldn't have seen it coming."

She tucked his face into her shoulder allowing himself to break down. A tear slipped down her cheek seeing the pain all the chaos here has caused him. She kept rubbing his back soothingly humming a small tune.

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