Chapter Twelve

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It was the day of the funeral for Noah Stilinski

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It was the day of the funeral for Noah Stilinski. Everyone what silent and dressed as back. Stiles had woken up to a text from JJ informing she was also bringing Garcia with her for comfort. He wasn't going to lie, he missed the best hacker he knew. He initially smiled at the screen when he saw the text but it quickly faded.

Stiles went back to the house one more time and stood in front of it. He smiles not thinking of the terrible things that happened but rather the positive. He mainly thought of the times his sarcastic wit would get him in trouble with his father.

Scott had walked up to him with his hands in his pants pockets. He wore a black suit and a black tie to go with it. He turned to his friend, "what, no suit today?"

He chuckled and glanced at Scott. Peering back the house his smile faltered. "I where a suit too much on the job. Besides, I think dad would be okay with it."

"He would be okay with you wearing a leather jacket and black jeans with converse. I hate to break it to you Stiles but you look like a emo jock from high school."

"Ouch, no need to be so rude Scotty boy. But thank you for you positivity towards the occasion."

Scott looked over the house. He remembered the night we got bit remember the face of Noah when he asked what they were doing at a crime scene. He more so remembered their first time making their way out to the woods. He remembers nearly hitting him with his baseball bat when he came to his house prior to their little adventure.

"What's going to happen to the house?"

"He once told me the only way he'd get rid of this house was if he died. It would then be handed to me. Everything is handed to me."

Scott gave a side glance to Stiles, "what did he give you, if you don't mind me asking?"

"To my surprise he had been stashing money away for me and my future since I was a kid. His lawyer contacted me the amount that would be transferred to me."

"Which would be?"

Stiles took out his phone feeling too insecure to say it out loud. He texted Scott the amount. In a moment when Scott opened to text his eyes widened. "Holy shit, I didn't think he had that much."

"Me too, but I guess people can surprise you in many different ways."

Scott clapped him on the back before ushering the kid to his own car. The two drove to pick up Lizzy and Raven. Raven remained quiet the whole time looking at her lap. He never knew how smart his kid was until he realized her availing to adapt to real life situations. She was always good in school and ahead of her class by a couple years but she was always much smarter than that. The way she had been reacting to Noah's death is the way Stiles did. It only would take a matter of time until she broke.

They arrived at the cemetery were his father's casket was lifted above his grave. His headstone was placed right beside his wife who died many years ago. Allison's grave was placed only a couple of rows down from his.

The young Stilinski didn't feel the need to stand in the front where all the people would be watching him and his reactions. Penelope walked beside him engulfing him in a bone crushing hug. She pulled away hiding her tears and walking back to the rest of the team.

Melissa and Chris walked to the front with Scott as did Raven. Lizzy stayed behind with her husband and watched from afar. Stiles looked around the crowd seeing the BAU team together with the pack next to him. Standing off to the side was Lydia. He pitied her for the drama she went through in the last week.

He kissed his wife on the cheek before steering in the direction of Lydia. He cautiously walked beside her. She turned her head to see who stood beside her. Her mouth gapped and her eyes widened. "It's okay, you know. You don't need to say anything," he paused, "are you okay?"

"We're at your father's funeral, Stiles. Nothing is okay."

He looked into the distance in front of him. "If there's one thing I learned since joining the FBI it's to grieve then let go. I've been doing a lot of grieving lately. Hating on myself for never being there and feeling guilt for never standing up for myself in the past. Now that I look at this, I know it's time to let go." Lydia looked at him in astonishment but keeps her mouth shut. "It's okay, you know, to be mad and hate for being lied to for so long, but there comes a time where you need to let go."

She sighed, "I don't think I can."

He chuckled at her response and turned her to face him. "You are a very smart human being, Lydia, on top of that you're a banshee. You've been almost killed a dozen times and hunted for many years. Look at Theo. He did terrible things but he's apart of the pack."

"What Scott said ruined us."

"Maybe, but it'll get easier to move on if you accept that it's happened. You can't dwell on the past, Lydia, it'll eat you alive." He pulled her into a kind hug. "Maybe you should tell him how you feel."

"I gave him an ear full."

He smiled, "you know that's not what I meant," he whispered into her ear before walking away. She watched him walk away as she remained shell shocked.

The rest of the ceremony was beautiful. Noah was given and honorary disgrace of service. When the big event ended the officers left and did some supporting citizens who came including Deaton. The groups huddled around the casket standing without a sound just letting the wind blow freely as it also did.

The True Alpha smirked, "remember the night I got bit?" Stiles smiled. "Stiles heard of a murder over the radio and wanted to investigate so we went into the worlds to track it. Stiles got caught and eventually got lectured. Stiles why lying his way through it poorly and Noah knew it." He paused for a moment thinking of the exact words. "Well I define it as you not telling the truth. How do you define it," Scott asked impersonating him.

Stiles chuckled at the memory. He set himself into character and turned to Scott blowing out an exaggerated breath, "reclining your body... in a horizontal position." The two of them laughed together.

Derek Hale started laughing. He said, "where did you find him, the fountain of youth?" He tried his best to remember what he had said that day when he was turned back into a teen. "Stiles then said-"

"No, we found him buried in a tomb of wolf's bane in a Aztec temple in Mexico underneath the church in the middle of a town that was destroyed by an earthquake," he cut him off.

Scott grin and quickly changed his expression to match Noah's from before. "You told me you were camping."

Stiles scratches his head and squints putting on his act, "we were camping... in Mexico." The pack chuckled lightly and returned to peace and quiet.

"Do you remember what your dad always said about the murders he came across?" Lydia asked.

"One's a incident-"
"Two's a coincidence-"
"Three's a pattern," Lizzy finished.

"I'm starting to understand why I'm in the FBI, now," Stiles implied.

Issac walked up from behind the group, "really? Because I always assumed you annoyed them enough with your sarcasm so they just let you in."

"Quiet child, the adults are talking," he retorted.

"I hate you."
"No you don't."

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