Chapter Thirteen

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They had laid Noah to rest and all returned to their respected homes

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They had laid Noah to rest and all returned to their respected homes. The BAU stopped over at the McCall's informing them of their departure. There were on their way to head back to DC.

"Hey kid," Derek Morgan pulls the young guy into a short embrace before pulling away. The others were huddled in the kitchen surrounding Lizzy and Raven. "Are you going to be okay?"

He nodded happily, "in time. It'll be another day before I head back to DC."

Derek nodded with a smile. "If you need anything let me know."

Stiles thought for a moment looking up to Derek. She smiled kindly before stating, "you know Derek, every since I joined the team I was annoyed by your constant teasing-"

He laugh lightly laying a hand on the kids shoulder. "It didn't stop you from retorting with a sarcastic comment."

"You're not wrong," he laughed, "but after time I realized that you became the big brother I never had. For that I wanted to thank you."

"Why does it sound like you're saying good bye?"

"It's not a good bye I've just been thinking a lot since I've been here. A lot of the things I never say enough and that was one of them."

The darker skinned man looks down on the kid with sympathy. "Come on Stiles, I appreciate the little heart to heart but I know you. What else is going on?"

Stiles shut his eyes turning to face a different direction. "I wish I could share that with you but I can't. It's between Lizzy and I and one other person."


"I'm not aloud to speak about it. Please don't tell the others I'll explain it on my own time."

"Promise me."

Stiles shrugged, "I can't make promises I don't know I'll be able to keep." Derek shook his head in disappointment. He looked at the kid who held a pained expression on his face. He stared at him in the eyes before letting out a huff. At last, he nodded walking away soon after.

His wife came in as Derek walked out the door. The others followed him out leaving him with his second family and Hotch who for some reason stayed behind.

"What was that about?"
"I'll tell you about it later."

Hotch walked up to the group. Lizzy rubbed Stiles shoulder eyeing the two of them, mainly Hotch. He looked at her pleadingly not wanting to talk to him but she just smirked. "I'll leave you two to talk." He rolled his eyes as she walked triumphantly out of the room.

"You got what you wanted so talk," Stiles said harshly.

He looked down on his son taking in his appearance. He looked too mature for a twenty five year old. He was wearing his leather attire and his black jeans and black army boots. He wore a black cap backwards as well. He looked like he was changing for the dark side.

"One of the things since joining this department of the job was expressing emotion."

"-I think you got that from Gideon."

He smiled, "being happy and genuine hasn't been easy. Coming home from a case and letting go isn't easy."

"I'm well aware, Hotch."

"Then you're aware I'm not emotionally connected to anybody on the team," Stiles was about to reply agreeing with him but he got quiet when he continued, "except for you."

He furrowed his brows. "I always noticed you closer to me and inviting me in on things outside of work. I always questioned but now I know." Glancing at the floor he frowned.

"I know you're mad at me for not coming clean-"

Stiles laughed slightly. "That's the uncanny thing," he paused, "I'm not mad at you. I haven't been. More frustrated at myself for not figuring it out sooner. What I am mad about is the fact that my emotions are all over the spectrum and I don't know what to do anymore."


"Grew up here Aaron, I created a life here for over eighteen years of my life. Everything has gone back to the way things were and I'm happy about that but this... this won't leave me."

Hotch stares at Stiles contemplating what to say. "I'm well aware I'm twenty five years too late but I'd would like to be in your life, Stiles, if you'll still let me."

He took a step forward towards his biological father pulling him into king embrace. The two stayed there hugging with no words spoken. "Does Hayley know?"

Aaron pulled away looking down at him, "I told her when you joined the bureau. I guess it played a part in our divorce."

Stiles chuckled, "maybe but we both know she secretly loves me." Hotch smiled with a small laugh and nods. Lizzy walked in with Raven holding onto their luggage. "You meeting up with the team?"

"Yeah they're going take us with them. Knowing you I know you're going to be driving Roscoe back to DC."

"Mind if I tag along," Stiles faced his father. He obliged and walked to the front door. "Come on, they took all the cars we'll get you to the hanger."

The four of them hopped into his jeep and headed off to the jet. When they arrived at the jet Lizzy kissed him and Raven jumped into his arms with a smile on her face. His face mimicked hers, bright and happy. He kissed her on the cheek at watched as she walked onto the jet hand in hand.

Lizzy boarded the jet with Raven beside her. The jet started up and the door closed behind them. Everyone took their eyes off their phones, papers and chess board and looked to her.

"Where's Hotch and Stiles?" Reid asked.

"They'll be back in DC in a couple days. They're driving there."

"Together?" Rossi asked as she nodded.

Emily laughed at them, "they aren't going to kill each other, are they?"

Lizzy chuckled, "I hope not. They made up back at the house. Think of this as a father/son bonding time."

JJ throws back a laugh, "with Stiles humor and Hotch's seriousness we'll see if they'll be able to to last in a car for hours on end."

Mrs. Stilinski clicked her tongue, "I don't know, I think this is a surprise. You didn't hear this from me but Hotch actually smiled. Like, a full smile."

"He smiled?" The others laughed. "Took long enough."

On the road Stiles and Hotch hadn't talked. Instead Stiles played the radio as they road their way out of California. The sun hit his eyes perfectly making the color of his eyes lighten to appear more hazel. A tight lipped smile made it to his face. It made him happy being on the road with no surrounding cars. He felt as though he was finally changing back to the way he used to be: happy and carefree. All while he thought his father beside him admired him as he continued driving.

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