Because I Hate you

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Max x Reader

Max woke up groggy and reticent as usual. 

The ruckus of the camp served as his alarm clock, the boy grimacing at the crashes, hollering, and yells right outside his tent.

"Another day in hell. At least Nurf didn't decide to give Preston one of his morning beatings near my tent again."

Just then, a high pitched wail would be heard; followed by the bully's laughter and punching sounds. The pounding and thrashing was so forceful that part of Max's tent collapsed on top of his head.

The boy clenched his teeth harder. "Just HAD to mention it." He sneered.

Still, Max went through his usual routine, his blue hoodie soon in place as he absentmindedly came out of his tent, the coffee taking a while to kick in. He'd meet with Neil as usual, the lanky boy looking just as unenthusiastic.

"Uh. Hey Max. Nurf again?"

"Mmh." He grunted.

Neil was about to cut the small talk when he noticed something; pointing at Max feet. "Uh, you have something stuck on your shoe."

The impassive camper looked down, noticing a whole sheet of paper under his sole. "Huh, that's weird. Maybe it's just one of David's stupid Memos." Max took the sheet, his eyes glancing quickly over it before they shot open, a wide smirk on his face.

"Whoa! Neil, check this out-" He pulled his friend down to his level, Neil not enjoying the gesture but obliging anyways. "Someone wrote one of these dopes a love letter! Ho man, this is priceless. Just when you think this place couldn't get more pathetic."

Neil skimmed over the text as well, the boy just as surprised. "Geez. Even I  feel second hand embarassment." The little scientist took the paper from Max, moved by gossip to read more and being even more surprised at what he read on the other side.

Max just kept grinning. "I know right?! I can almost taste the juice we can squeeze with this type of blackmail."

"Max! Wait! I think...I think this is for you!" Neil exclaimed with astonishment, Max almost tripping on himself.

"What?! No it's not, GIMME THAT!" He snatched the paper back, Neil just confirming outloud what was written .

"Ice cold eyes, locks to make one tangled in the dream, and gone in a flash of blue. Please don't kill me with your indifference." Neil read. 

"So?! A lot of people wear blue! Uh...Nerris' cape is blue! Right?!"

"It's just too much of a coincidence! Where was this even?"

 Max looked akwardly to the side. "Well- I just got up so...On my tent's floor?"

Neil gave him a deadpan look before yelling. "DUDE!"

"OKAY, OKAY! Let's calm down here Neil- Look. I'm pretty sure this is some type of stupid, ridiculous misunderstanding that's going to blow up in our face. So- instead of freaking out and getting involved, we're gonna stop this whole chain of events by pretending nothing happened." Max ripped the note in pieces. "See? Problem solved." He stuffed his hands in his hoodie's pocket, moving away from it all.

"Half-solved." Neil crossed his arms at his friends incredulity, making him stop.

"What does that mean?" 

"Well, sure, if it was a misunderstaning it's over, but if it's not, ripping the note means nothing, because someone is still crushing on you, which means they'll someday might confess."

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