Can't Resist the Dark Side

35 1 0

Nerris x Reader

"Dark wisteria enchantment! Damage at double per slot usage!"

A young spectacled girl sat atop her cardboard made tower. She played alone as it was usual, never bothered by the inconvenience of lacking a player 2 to her adventures. 

"Hah, barbarian gone! Now to get rid of that pesky dwarf. We'll see who is master of the mineshaft when I use my ancient orb against his hammer." She smirked, fingers twiddling and aching to get a hold of the dice again. 


A yell interrupted her concentration, making her drop the 20-sided piece. One. It was unforgivable.

"Ugh! Harrison-!" She yelled, peeking from the top of the tower as the magician gave her a deadpan glare; the girl coming down from her magic lair soon enough. "You made me mess up my turn! This better be good."

"Did you took my rings again? I was about to practice for tomorrow's magic camp and they were not in my tent! I told you they are for my shows not your stupid quests." 

He went straight to the point; the girl rolling her eyes as he pointed an accusing finger at her.

"Oh Harrison, like you would know what to do with a dual-wielded weapon like that. I was just putting them to good use. A COOLER use." She took out the rings from behind her back, cardboard spikes taped onto them to transform into weapons.

"Oh comon' Nerris, I'm serious. I promised a bedazzling show-" He gestured with his hands. "Maybe you don't understand, but people expect quality and wonder when they come to see me. If I go up there with my top hat, gloves, AND no rings I'll be the laughingstock of the camp!"

"Too late." 

 A passing Max commented before walking away.

Nevermind that, Nerris blew rasperries in dismissal. 

"You're so dramatic Harrison. You do that same trick ALL the time-"

"Uuuh...Yeah! Because it's a classic of the illusion arts! 70% of my applauses are  the ring trick!"

"See? That's your problem- And why you'll never be as good a sorcerer as me." She pointed to herself, moving the rings out of the way every time Harrison tried to reach for them. "You care way too much about what normies think of you. A magic being like me has no concern for the thoughts of mortals, hence why my power isn't hindered by any earthly attach-"


Suddenly, your voice reached the magics kids' ears.

You stood there, summer sun adding a special shine to the color of your skin, eyes calm and irreverent, and a voice that let itself be carried by the wind.

 In her eyes, at least. 

Nerris immediately went tense as you demanded both their attentions, giving them your usual smile and messing with your hair in a careless fashion. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26 ⏰

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