Wild Women

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Nikki x Reader

"Whoo! Crazy stuff out there, huh guys? Who knew Neil could handle so many cat bites." Nikki bounced vigorously in place, getting a chortle out of you.

Max and Neil followed closely by, the peevish boy watching as his fragile friend took out literal pieces of claws out of his wounds.

"It is not. Something to be proud about Nikki!" Neil barked, Max shaking his head in contemplative disdain of their  ridiculous adventures. 

"It's alright Neil-" You gave him a pat on the back that made him jolt and shout in agony. "Think of it as an extra-skill, when you're like- experimenting with cats like a freak or something."

"...Oh yeah! I guess I can see ho-"

"It's not a compliment Neil."  Max cut him off, aiding his socially unaware friend.

"Anyway, it's 4pm already, time to hit the sack." You mentioned, Max pretty much agreeing with his usual scowl. 

"Uuh...wait, we're gonna get these wounds deinfected first right? Right?! Max!" The jewish boy chased after his friend, Max already trying to escape from the consequences of his scheme.

You were about to go towards your tent when you felt a familiar hand pulling on your arm, the warmth so familiar it was almost unmistakeable. 

You looked down, Nikki's dirty hand wrapping thightly on your limb, clinging with a naughty expression on her face.

You chuckled, gaze softening. "What are you doing you green monkey?" You asked, your voice carrying the chortle that escaped her mouth.

"I don't wanna end our day just yet!! I bet there's so many mysteries out there in the forest! Who released all those feral cats?! And why where they behind that garbage dump I broke open?" She gestured with suspense, making you throw your head back in a short laugh.

"HAHA! Jesus Nikki leave something for tomorrow, we're always getting onto some stupid shit-" You smirked. "I don't think Neil can take another critter kicking his ass."

"Well that's why I want to go alone with you! You always bring some extra energy and I love it!" She smiled as wide as usual.

You felt your heart skip a bit, and you lowered your gaze with a contained grin, rubbing your neck as if to feign disinterest. "Nghh...Ah...Well, I guess...I can go get rabies one more time before my nap...Just cause I'm the best." You joked, Nikki's face lighting up; and boy, could you stare at that all day.

There was only one word to describe you and Nikki. Wild. Nikki was an animal; savage and free in all the meanings of the words. And you; you couldn't care less about others and the consequences. Nikki would jump off a cliff without thinking it twice, and you were happy to follow just to see how deep it would take you.

You always returned with cuts and bruises, laughing your heads off like idiots while Nikki held a wild animal, other campers stepping back. Sometimes you taunted the kids, barking at them like Nikki did just to stick your tongue out at them with a mocking, mouth-wide grimace, letting them know you were doing it on purpose. Nikki was just happy you played along; her happiness kept you going like nothing else.

It wasn't dry like being with Max and Neil, it wasn't a pissing contest like with your hoodlum friends at school. You felt genuine joy at doing everything  and anything your impulsive, violent minds could think of.

You picked branches from her frizzy hair, Nikki exclaiming 'ouch!' and swatting your hand away. You kept going with quick pinches, retracting your arm swiftly before she could bite you, only for her to pounce at you. You would roll on the floor, Nikki laughing and wrestling you to the ground, and it would be like heaven to your eyes.

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