Pt 2 Ch2

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George POV
George was partially blind, everything before him mostly hazy and blurry, and couldn't see things far away, so he had eventually resorted to a guide dog, making his life a whole lot easier and safer. Right now though it seemed like his trusty guide dog was completely failing him, as some strange tall man led him along, his bright blond head towering above him like a halo of some sort. Sighing, he introduced himself, completely embarrassing himself with his usual foolish rambling. As the man opened his lips and whispered his name softly, George could've sworn he felt a shiver run down his spine. Something felt...familiar in a way. Something about the man's voice and calloused hands felt so oddly familiar in fact, that goosebumps rose on his arms. He feverishly shook his head, trying to distance himself from the odd thoughts he was having. "Clay...was it? I'm wondering if we've ever met before? Maybe in primary or secondary school perhaps? I'm getting an odd sense of deja vu right now." He felt Clay stiffen up slightly next to him before he spoke quietly "I'm not sure what you're talking about. Maybe we've spoken on campus before?" He finished his sentence with an endearing nervous laugh that made George smile to himself.
This boy was actually cute, he thought, as he let Clay continue to pull him along to their classroom.

Clay POV
HE'S ON TO ME Clay screamed in his head. It was a stupid thought because who in their right mind would jump to the conclusion that the weird tall blond kid in their class is a fucking centuries old Greek monster with a thin veil covering his true form? No one. That's right he thought to himself, trying to calm himself down before he had a mental breakdown in the middle of the professor's lecture. He sighed, repeatedly rearranging his desk, moving and then removing his pencils and notebooks in a futile attempt to soothe his nerves. He could feel himself shrink further into his desk as a class discussion began, everyone talking over each other as he tried to make himself vanish by some miracle. Ironic how a mythological centuries old creature can't even handle a 15 minute class discussion and yet here he was, nervously cracking his knuckles as the kid next to him flinched at the irritating noise. Before long the man swerved around, his curly brown hair, round glasses and yellow sweater coming into view, "Seriously man please stop, your anxiety is making me anxious." Clay laughed softly at the freakishly tall guy's weird attempt to calm him down. "I'm Wilbur by the way, i like your sweater" he said, pointing at the sage green sweater that Clay had bought because it reminded him of the soft quiet ocean beside the home he shared with George once upon a time. Clay's smile brightened as he in turn introduced himself to Wilbur. The two discussed the topic the professor had requested them to discuss with the person beside them, eventually exchanging numbers on their way out of class later.

Clay looked up, noticing George gently scolding his chubby Labrador guide dog for refusing to get up, instead flopping down on the cool floor. He didn't blame the poor guy, it was sweltering hot today, he wished he could flop down on the cold floor too. George perked up at the sound of approaching footsteps, looking at the unexpected noise nearing him. Clay took a deep breath before gathering the courage to speak "Hey if you want i could walk you to your dorm? Poor guy looks exhausted, we can even grab some food on the way? If you want of course its totally fine if-" George cut him off, smiling as he said "Yes that sounds great. I know a great cafe near here if you want to get muffins and tea?" Clay responded with a happy yes, George latching onto Clay's arm as they walked out of the school building.

Author's note
That's it for now loves <3 see you next chapter! Make sure to leave some comments cause i absolutely love reading them! Stay safe and take care of yourselves,

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