Pt 1 Ch 6

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Clay stumbled past the happy families and the drunk rowdy men as he looked through the festival. Finally his eyes fell upon George. His George. He froze, seeing the one person he had ever loved in a heap on the floor, trembling like a leaf. He ran towards him, nearly tripping on his own feet

George's head snapped up as he felt someone hug him. He began to yell before he took in the smell. Chocolate and red wine, as well as the smell of grass. His lips quivered as he muttered the name that had been haunting him for a year. "Clay...?" He heard heavy sobs next to his ear as he reached up hesitantly at first, as soon as he felt the sturdy back he knew, he knew it was his Clay. He felt like a weary traveler who finally made it home. He sobbed into Clay's chest as he heard him whisper sweet nothings into his ear. He felt him pull him up, leading him away to what he assumed was home. He began recognizing his surroundings again and before long they were home.

George climbed onto Clay's lap, his body shaking with need as their lips met, his mind racing with a million thoughts but none at the same time, it was all nothing but something but everything.

He turned around to face Clay, his hand shaking almost as though he couldn't believe he was real. He was so sure that at any moment Clay would up and vanish. Just as he had before. He remembered the days following Clay's disappearance. He first felt angry, angry that Clay was being a coward. He was certain Clay would come back any minute now

Any hour now

Any day now

He never did. Soon afterwards he began feeling numb. Days blended into each other and all he could do was sit in front of his house, waiting, like a loyal dog waiting for its owner. The days became weeks and he felt hopeless. He didn't eat, he didn't go outside, he didn't sleep. It wasn't long before his friends found him, a shell of his former self, sleeping on the kitchen floor, hugging Clay's violin. His friends made him go outside, meet new people, feel new things, and he got better. He really did. He tried.

He felt Clay hold him tight to his chest after a few seconds, but quickly drew back. "Why did you leave?" Clay stammered as he tried to conjure up a lie.
"And don't you dare try to fucking lie to me."

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