Chapter 3

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It was 2 am, I was tired and I'd finally finished the lyrics to the song I was going to sing to the music club. I felt proud of it, it was the only good song that I'd ever written, so it was also a huge milestone for me.

None of that mattered though. It was for the music club, more specifically for Zander.

I proceeded to slip into bed and turn off all the lights, making a silent prayer to the ramen overlord, hoping that Zander wouldn't kill me.

I woke up the next day regretting my decision. After having a good 6 hours to reflect on my decisions and whether they were good or bad, I decided that I was making a terrible mistake. Zander wouldn't give a crap about my song and would still be extremely pissed about the words I said.

Alas, I had the song done, it was 7:40 in the morning, and I was too tired to do anything about it. I got out of bed and got ready for school, bracing myself for another round of morning announcements.

Once I arrived at school, I went to the office and asked the secretary to do the morning announcements yet again.

"Can I please do the morning announcements miss?"


I was expecting more backlash.

Once the clock hit 9:00, I pressed the intercom button.

"Hey, Thunderbirds, me again. Today is Wednesday, May 4th, 2022. Happy star wars day everyone, may the fourth be with you all. There isn't much happening today, the student council is hosting a screening of the latest star wars movie in the gym today and the chess club has yet another meeting, though sports jocks are apparently banned now? How fun, I didn't even know they existed. On another note, today is also national song day, proclaimed by a certain Jake Sterling on May 4th 2022. In order to celebrate this fine day, I will be singing my own rendition of 'Miss Jackson' by Outkast as an apology to a dear friend." 

After a graceful 4 minutes of trying to do better than Outkast (and failing), I'd finally finished my song.

"Uh... Thanks, I guess?" I finished

This time, I gently walked out of the office instead of breaking into a full sprint. Everyone in the office looked stunned as if someone had just sung a really bad parody on a random morning.

I then glanced at the clock. 9:10 AM...

Upon realizing how late I was to class, I speed-walked to class and ended up barging in during the middle of a lesson on... Punctuation.

"Mr. Sterling, how nice of you to join us! Today's lesson is about punctuation because none of you could get it right in your paragraphs. Just for you, we'll also touch on punctuality, which is something I expect of every single one of you." My teacher said, clearly angry.

I just sat down and began to wait for the salvation of lunch break.

*Lunch Break*

I made my way up to the rooftops, partly to clear my head because someone was vaping and also to meet Milly.

Luckily for me, she was standing right outside the door.

"Hey, Jake." She said, without any of her usual energy.

"Hey Milly, is something wrong?" I asked, concerned.

"No, I just didn't get any sleep last night."

I made the educated decision to not inquire further.

"So... What did you want to talk about?" I asked.

"I wanted to thank you for 'inspiring' Eliott yesterday, I don't know if I would've had the courage to tell him myself." She answered.

"It's no biggie, I just thought about how I felt when I confessed to Hailey and the weight that got lifted off me. You two don't deserve that."

"Well, thank you anyway. We also all heard your song on the morning announcements today, and I have to say... You were considerably worse than the most successful musical duo of all time."

"I'm... Aware..."

Milly gave me a light punch to the arm.

"Well, good luck Jake."

"Thank you, Milly." 

And with that, she was gone.

Just as quickly as Milly left, Hailey arrived.

"I saw Milly while I was coming up here and she was not angry. I take it your conversation went well?" Asked Hailey.

"I guess it did, though it was mostly Milly thanking me," I replied.

"Hm, maybe your obscene plan may actually work. Zander teared up at your song you know, he was crying at how terrible your vocals were and how good your message was."

"I don't know whether to feel hurt or happy?"

Hailey giggled, which made my heart flutter right out of my chest.

"Both I guess?" She finally answered

"I-Uh-Yeah." I stammered

"You okay there Jake?"

"Wha-Yeah, I'm fine!"

"Uh-huh. Sure... So, what's your next grand gesture gonna be?"

"I'm not sure, actually. I didn't really think ahead this far."

"Why don't you come to the music club with me Jake?"

"Wait, really?"

"Yes, 'really' you idiot."


I was at a loss for words. The fact that Hailey accepted my apology is one thing, but saying I should come back to the club? It's all I'd wanted for days at that point. I thought to myself: 'Did I really deserve to come back?' 

Am I worthy?

Is apologizing really enough?

Then the rational part of myself kicked in.

They weren't even supposed to hear that... I didn't even mean to say it! Apologizing is enough, right?

As if reading my mind, Hailey squeezed my hand.

"It's going to be okay Jake, they'll forgive you." She said, sounding absolutely certain.

"But Hailey, what if they-" 

"Shh, they will forgive you and that is final. No more doubts, okay?"

"I- Okay, I'll come with you. Let's go, Hailey."

"Wait, just one more thing before we go."

She leaned in and gave me a small kiss on the lips. This girl just-

"Let's go now, the club will start to wonder."

"Aye-aye princess."

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