Chapter 5

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Nobody had an answer.

"COME ON PEOPLE! THIS IS NOT A JOKE!" Zander continued.

"I think I have an idea..." I eeked out, nervous about what Zander might say.

"I'm all ears," Zander replied.

"I'm going to beg for forgiveness... Again." I said

"Great, you have exactly one day or else I'll slit your throat!"


"Alright guys, let's go now, classes are starting!"

Just as Zander finished talking, the bell rang.

Hailey flashed me a look of 'what the fuck did you just do?', then walked to class. I too had classes to attend, so I decided to get to them.

After classes, I had all the time in the world to think about how to beg the principal to let luke off.

I decided to just ask nicely as if I wanted to start a club or host a gathering on school property. It'll work, right?


With my new game plan in mind, I made my way to the office on the 1st floor in order to beg the principal to let Luke off with a slap on the wrist.

"No." the principal said, almost instantly

"Could you please hear me out, miss? It was my stupidity that made him flip out, I essentially provoked it-"

"Let me make myself very clear: this school does not tolerate that kind of behaviour in class."

New plan.

"And why is that?"

"Luke went unstable in the classroom! We need to make an example out of that, students can't be going around and lose their minds in front of 30 or so people." 

"Right, but isn't that not okay?"

"How in god's name is that not okay?"

"You're teaching kids that if they have those issues, they will be punished. Is that really the message you want to spread to these young minds, miss?"


"So, let Luke off scot-free."

"Oh come on! You know what, I'll let him off with a price. $150 and I let him off, eh?"


"How about I don't release my recording of this conversation and you let him off?"

The principal promptly let Luke off with a slap on the wrist and profusely apologized to his father for the error.

That day, I went home very satisfied.


"And that is how you get good at life," I said, proud of my clearly extraordinary performance.

"Uh-huh... Congratulations, Jake, you fixed your mistake! Even I didn't think you were capable of this!" Zander said, sarcastically.

"So, where is Luke anyways?" Asked Milly

"He should be here any second..." I responded

We all sat in silence as footsteps approached the music room. I crossed my fingers as the door handle turned and revealed...

"LUKE!" Zander nearly screamed

"Hey Zander, did you miss me?" Luke said, a lot happier than before

"We all did," I said

"Ah, Jake... Thanks for getting me out of trouble, I know you're trying to make up for the stupid shit you've done, you've been doing better." 

"Thanks, Luke."

Finally, the band was back together. I hadn't gotten all that close to running out that 7-day timer after all. It's really a wonder, how much one can get done in a few days if they're simply productive. There's no need for a bad ending or overly-dramatic character arcs that culminate into nothing. There's no need to maintain the status quo, no need to continue holding grudges.

To put it simply, there was no need to fight. There was a need to apologize, to make up for my mistakes, but not a need to fight. At the end of the day, true friends won't go to stupid lengths to keep you close or instantly dump you to the curb, true friends will always stick by you no matter what.

True friends will never be mad at you for long because, at the bottom of their hearts, they don't want to be angry at you. They will forgive you. 

That's the lesson I learned. Real friends give you unconditional love, fake ones give you conditions.

Drew and them can go fuck themselves, if they think they can keep me unhappy, they're sorely mistaken. I've found my people, and I don't intend on leaving them anytime soon.

"Alright music club, let's do some tedious practice!" I shouted

The club cheered as we took our positions, I felt right at home on the microphone.

"We have 3 days left guys, let's make the most of it. 3, 2, 1 GO!"


I was waiting at the bus stop when I heard someone tap on the plastic behind me.

"Jake! There's more shade on this side!" Hailey informed me

"I know, but my legs are tired..." I complained

"Ugh, fine. I'll come in there," She said as she entered the bus shelter

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I asked

"Well, since the bus is literally 10 minutes away, I'd like to congratulate you on completing your plan. It was surprisingly well thought out, I thought you would've just run back to your old friends, but I'm glad you didn't."

"Wow... Has anyone told you you're such an encouraging girlfriend?"

She laughed.

"You know the answer to that, peach idiot," she said, hitting me on the arm lightly

"Of course I do..." 

Then, we just sat there for a while. I knew that it was only 7 minutes, but it felt like 2. Being with Hailey made the time fly by, all good things end quickly after all.

Before I knew it, I heard the bus pull in. 

The large orange LED read "25A to Don Mills Station"

"Wanna sit next to each other?" I asked

"No. It's way too crowded, let's stand next to each other instead." Hailey replied with a small smile

"Always a know-it-all..." I muttered

I love that know-it-all.

Once the bus finally arrived at Don Mills, we both ended up transferring onto the subway and both got off at Leslie. I mean, obviously. We both live in the same neighbourhood, what'd you expect? 

Eventually, we did part ways. It was on a nice residential street, with shady apartments in one direction and slightly less shady apartments on the other. 

"So, I guess this is goodbye then..." I said

"Yeah, no shit. See you tomorrow?" Hailey asked

"You know it."

She began to walk away when I remembered something.

"Hey! Wait, I forgot something!" 


I then planted a small kiss on her lips.

"See you tomorrow, Princess."

"I- See you tomorrow, idiot."

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