Chapter 4

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" mistake , which mistake are you talking about " Wei wuxian ask while pulling himself from Lan Zhan.

"Two days ago I got a call from my mom," Lan Zhan began speaking.

"And you received that call, what did you say her?"

"I didn't say anything" Wei clarified.

" Darling " Wei wuxian got goosebumps after hearing this words from Lan Zhan's mouth.

" You called her a darling, and now she is asking about that darling."

"It's like that... so I tell her I was joking." Wei wuxian was a little scared and a little happy because he firmly believed that Lan Zhan's mother would scold him.

"If it were that easy, I would have told myself, but she said that if I do not have a girlfriend, then I should go back to China and marry the girl of her choice."

After hearing this Wei wuxian laugh loudly like a mad man.

" So it's my fault, congratulations" he said while laughing

" And now " Lan Zhan was serious " you have to take responsibility " .

Wei wuxian Stop laughing , and look at him with a confused gaze " responsibility " is he fuck him for the last 2 month , why is he saying that I have to take responsibility , am i a fool , what rubbish , Wei wuxian though and a weird smile arose onto his lips .

"What responsibility, and what will I have to do" he ask

When we heard " be my girlfriend " Wei wuxian laughed , girlfriend am I girl for him , one second WHAT ?

"Hey Lan Zhan, you haven't found any other way to humiliate me," said Wei wuxian furiously

" don't you believe I'm a boy" he stared at him. "If it is not there, then I can prove it, see" Wei wuxian stretched out his hands and pointed towards his chest, he wanted to say " look, I don't have boobs like girls."

"Is that enough, or do you think I'm flat-chested women" Wei wuxian's volume was increasing.

" If so, I can open my pants too." Lan Zhan was stunned with him .

"You just have to dress up like girls and act like them in front of my family. And then they will not ask that girl to marry me, we will act for break up and then I will act as heart broken and then mom will not ask me to get married." Lan Zhan told him

"What, you're asking me to do crossdressing?" asked Wei wuxian sarcastically. "So my answer is no." he said and turned to leave

But "Okay then in two days, you have to return my money in just two days."

Wei wuxian turned and glare at Lan Zhan "I knew you were taking advantage of this."

" Off course I , because this mess is created by you "

" You evil spirit , Two days, you've only given me two days, haven't you? " Wei wuxian said nodding his head, looking like he was challenging him.

"Okay then, I'm ready to crossdressing" He doesn't have a penny to give it to Lan Zhan back, and he has no choice but this.

It is his fault that today he does not have money, always Wei changzi used to send him so much money in a month that he could run him comfortably for three months but he used to spend all the money on girl and party.

When Wei changzi came to know about this, So he decided not to send money to Wei wuxian for three months as a punishment for teach him and make him learn about the value of money. Which he don't know.

And because of his actions, he has to compromise with Lan Zhan's terms.


"Lan Zhan, come with me." Wei wuxian grabbed his hand and brought him out of the room.

"You have to walk with me to Rosey's house," said Wei.

" And why that? " Lan Zhan asked 

"Don't you want me to learn to live like a girl" Wei wuxian rolled her eyes as she said, "You know I see her as a perfect lady, beautiful and sexy." Lan Zhan didn't say anything and Wei wuxian drowned at the girl's thoughts.

ding dong

A girl opened the door as soon as the bell rang, "Wei wuxian, after how many days have you met" The girl jumped happily and hugged him, only then did she notice that behind Wei wuxian stood a tall, wide, handsome and well maintained man.

"Who is he?" She whispered to Wei wuxian while pointing to Lan Zhan

" hehe " Wei wuxian laugh ackwardly " don't pay attention to him, he's mine", he hadn't finished his word yet that he interrupted by her.

" Boyfriend " she said loudly that Lan Zhan might hear her , and smile widely.

" what the fuck are you saying , he is my friend " Wei wuxian got on her " You fujoshi girls have lost their mind."

"I was asking because if he's not your boyfriend, can I?" Wei wuxian didn't let rosey finish her talk.

"No, why do you have to make him your boyfreind" he yelled on .

" Are you feeling jealous, do you have a secret crush on him? " Wei wuxian want to punch on her face , now it's doesn't matter that how much she is beautiful , or whatever.

Wei wuxian close his eyes " rosey " When he opened his eyes, he saw that the girl was not standing there, where is she gone that it was now, is she a ghost, who disappears so soon.

" Do you like coffee, I make very well" when Wei wuxian hear this , he turn and saw that said girl rosey is roming around Lan Zhan like a beautiful on to the flowers.

" I don't like " but Lan Zhan refuse her rudely and mentain a distance from her.


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