Chapter 8

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" do you know each other "

" Yes " bother said in unison

"Auntie, that's the girl I was talking about" Jiang Chang said angrily.

"And you've come here chasing me," asked Wei wuxian sternly.

"Chase, why should I chase you, I don't like girls like you," Jiang Chang commented.

"So why are you here?" Wei wuxian ask again , his every single word was making Jiang Chang's blood boil.

"Because this is my boyfriend's house"

" What ? " Hearing this, Wei wuxian was in shock, now he was regretting what he had screwed up with.

"Lan Zhan, is he telling the truth?" Wei wuxian whisper into his ears and ask to confirm .

" Hmm " Lan Zhan slitly nod and answer him with hmm

"That's me, actually" Wei wuxian hesitated to speak And what did he say, that he wanted to teach him a lesson.

"A Chang, don't feel bad about her, she's a little bubbly." Lan Ann favors Wei wuxian

Jiang Chang puff his mouth , he was looking cute , that's why Lan Xichen pinch his cheeks and tease him.

" What are you doing don't annoy me " Jiang Chang is still upset for the game set .

" haha you guys fought for a game set, let's forget all now " Lan Ann chuckled and said " Jiang Chang met her , she is Wangji's girlfriend Wei Ying and he is Jiang Chang , Xichen's boyfriend " she introduced both of them.

Is boyfriend, Xichen ge's boyfriend means he is gay, I didn't know that Lan Zhan's parents are open-minded, for a minute, Lan Zhan could have brought me as a boy too so why he , Wei wuxian was in deep thought .

" Wei Ying " Lan Ann brought him out from the deep thought.

"Yeah , nice to meet you and yes I'm sorry I didn't really want to do that." Wei wuxian said the head dashed towards the ground.

"Okay okay, you don't need to pretend to lie." Jiang Chang said irritably

After the reconciliation was over and after dinner, Wei wuxian and Lan Zhan went to their room.

Wei wuxian was closing his eyes and lying on the bed that he remembered something and he quickly got up and sat down.

" Lan Zhan , Lan Zhan " he call him twice in one go

" Hmm " Lan Zhan

" You never told that your brother is into boys" Wei wuxian twisted his mouth and raise his eye brows.

"What's there to say in this"

"Why not, you could have introduced me to your parents even as a boy, but you didn't, why"


"I get it, you are very serious about your sexuality" Asked the question and gave the answer by himself.

Wei wuxian turn his eyes and looked at the corner of a table, the two small red eyes were looking at him from the darkness. "Hey Lan Zhan what is that?" He swallowed his own spit in fear and asked pointing towards it.

" Wooh wooh " The sound of the dog barking came and the dog came out from under the table.

" Lan Zhan save me" Firstly Wei was sitting on the bed and now he got up and started screaming and jumped on the bed.

the next morning

Wei wuxian came down the stairs with one hand on his waist.

"Wei Ying, what happened to your waist, is pain there?" Mianmian asked in her sweet voice as he came downstairs.

"Yeahhh" he said and sighed.

"Have you fallen somewhere?" asked Lan Ann anxiously.

"It's all Lan Zhan's fault, if he had taken a little care, I wouldn't have pain in my back." Wei wuxian's words caught the attention of everyone in the hall. And Lan Ann's eyes widened

"What did he do?" she ask

" he " Wei wuxian was about to say something when a butler stopped him and his words remained incomplete.

"ma'am, two carpenters have come outside, shall I call them in?" That butler ask to madam lan .

"Carpenter, I didn't call them." Lan Ann mumbled in thought.

"I called," Lan Zhan said from behind.

"why that"

"Because, last night we broke the bed" What ? Is this the same Lan Zhan This was the question in everyone's mind, everyone first looked at him and then looked at each other as if asking "Did I hear it right", they could not believe their ears.

Mianmian was blushing, xichen and shizhui had smiles on their lips and Mr and Mrs Lan were astonished . Wei wuxian and Lan Zhan could not understand why everyone was looking at them with such eyes.

* cough * Mr. Lan made a fake cough. " Ai ren ( beloved ) Is breakfast ready?" he said disturbing the peace.

"Yes" Lan Ann replied after emerging in shock and she looked at Wei wuxian and continue with her talk " Wei Ying, let's eat something you need to eat nutritious food, and I make hot soup for you too hm "  He smiled.

On the dining table.

Wei wuxian and Lan Zhan were sitting next to each other. "Lan Zhan, do you know how the dog came into our room?" asked Wei wuxian whispering in the other's ear.

"He was from shizhui, mom is allergic to dogs that's why shizui hid him in his room but the dog came by mistake in our room ." Lan Zhan reply in his ever calm voice

"And where is he now?" Wei wuxian is afraid of dogs, in his childhood he carried a puppy in his arms, the puppy's mother thought that he would harm him, so she bit him.

"You are afraid of dogs that's why I told Shizui last night to leave him outside"

"That's good." Wei wuxian was happy and went on with his meal.

"Ge ge" Shizhui whispered softly to Lan Zhan. he was sitting on the other side of him

"You didn't tell Mom, you didn't......did you?" Shizui asked Lan Zhan about the dog, and Lan Zhan nodded and replied.

"And one more thing, when I came to the room last night, the bed was fine, after I left you seem to have worked very hard." at first he teased him with a smile But after that he had to face Lan Zhan's sharp eyes.

And now Lan Zhan understood why everyone was looking at him and Wei wuxian with such eyes.

.......................... Flashback of last night

" Lan Zhan save me " Wei wuxian jump on the bed .

"First you stop jumping on the bed," Lan Zhan ordered him but he did not obey.

"No first you take him out" Wei wuxian scream

"Okay." Lan Zhan caught that puppy and and ask Shizhui to take it out, he found out that Shizhui had hidden the puppy in his room from the last 2 months.

Shizhui came out with the dog, and Wei wuxian got down from the bed and stood down.

When Lan Zhan closed the door and turned, his foot slipped and he fell on the bed along with Wei wuxian. Wei wuxian was buried under him, so he get hurt his back and was in pain till this morning.

Due to a sudden fall on the bed, the leg of the bed broke.

........................... Ending of Flashback .

Lan Zhan did not try to explain this to anyone, he let everyone to think whatever they wanted.


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