Chapter 13

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This thing was done last week,

"Lan Zhan, I'm not feeling well" Wei came out of the wuxian bathroom to Lan Zhan , he was holding his belly and his face also seemed to be down.

"Wei Ying, what happened?" Lan Zhan asked worriedly. Although any expression is hardly visible on his face, but when he is in anxiety, then can see the changing expression.

Wei wuxian was feeling emetic this morning, and was feeling a little dizzy.

"Lan Zhan I'm gonna vomit, yesterday I ate too much food, maybe that's why I feel like this "Wei wuxian was throwing tantrums " Why don't you do anything, your lover will die in agony like this, so what will you do alone in this bloodthirsty world hmm."

"I'll find another one" Lan Zhan said looking at his tantrums.

"What did you say?" Wei wuxian became serious, no longer worried about her stomach ache. "How can you make someone else your girlfriend while I live". Wei wuxian puffed up his mouth.

"Aren't you in pain now?" As Lan Zhan said, Wei wuxian held his stomach again.

"Yeah, it hurts But you won't make another girlfriend, will you?"

"hmm" Lan Zhan reply "I bring you warm water and some healthy food" Lan Zhan got up from there and left the room and went to the kitchen.

"Wei Ying, Wei Ying" A short time later Lan Ann came into the room calling out to Wei. But saw that there was no one there. "Wei Ying, where are you" she called again.

"I'm here" He pulled out from the bathroom holding his stomach.

"What happened to you, are you well?" Lan Ann asked. "Your face has turned pale, tell me what happened" Lan Ann was worried for him .

"It's nothing, just a little nauseous and dizzy" Wei wuxian said

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Lan Ann said, asserting his right. " Since when is it happening? "

"Since this morning"

"Okay tell me, are you having your period or is there something else."

"Period, no, I don't have my period since " Wei stopped midway while speaking , If I said since I was born then she will comes to know the truth.

" Since when " Lan Ann waited for the next one to answer her.

What should I say, should I say for two months? , Wei wuxian was in thought .

" mm for two months"

"For two months, "Is what I'm thinking right?" Tell Wei Ying one thing, don't you feel strange, like moodswings, don't you understand what I mean?" Lan Ann asked

"Yes," Wei wuxian nodded. "Sometimes I feel like crying" because I'm bad lucky.

"And sometimes I feel like roaming somewhere or being alone, and sometimes I feel like eating sour or sweet, and I have started feeling more hungry these days." That's because Mian Mian hasn't let me eat anything for the last two weeks.

What ? Means maybe my suspicion is correct "And don't you feel like spending more time with Lan Zhan"

Let me say yes, because Lan Zhan has brought me here only to be a lovey dovey. "Yeah, I don't feel like living without him, I just want to be with him."


" that's a good news " Lan Ann jumped with joy

"Thank you for giving me the pleasure of becoming a grandmother"

"It was my pleasure" One second, what did you say? The joy of being a grandmother.

It means Lan Zhan's child, how can he cheat with me ? Wei wuxian was boiling with anger inside but was as calm on the outside as a sleeping lion.

"Auntie, who's going to be a mother?" Wei wuxian was curious to know who his opposition was after all.

"Who else , you are?" Lan Ann's words snatched the ground under his feet.

" me " Wei wuxian was startled, his eyes popping out of his socket.

How can it be, I only gave him a blowjob, is his semen strong enough that I became pregnant only by giving a blowjob to him. His mind was racing.

"You rest, I'll bring you something to eat." Lan Ann said as she left the room, but Wei wuxian remained stoned there.


When Lan Zhan came into the room with food and water, he heard someone sobbing, when he turned his eyes, he saw that Wei wuxian was sitting in a corner with both knees bent.

Is he crying? "Wei" Lan Zhan called, then Wei wuxian raised his head and looked at him, there were tears in his eyes, he is crying.

Lan Zhan's expression changed, he put the tray on the bed and went to Wei wuxian .

"What happened, why are you crying?"

"You are asking this, you ruined my life" Wei wuxian sobbed and said .

"What did I done?"

"What have you done, you are asking this after I got pregnant for you."

Lan Zhan 😑 , he was totally speechless.

"Last time I gave you a blowjob and in the morning you forgot, and you forced me to swallow your semen, and look today I am pregnant because of you "

Lan Zhan did not know anything about what he had done that night, and knowing today, the wind blew away.

"What shall I do now, to whom shall I show my face?" Wei wuxian wipes his nose and sniff.

"But you can't be pregnant"

" And why that? "

" because you are a man "

" yeah so wh.. , yeah you are right I am man " Wei wuxian's tears dried up immediately. What do I keep thinking too, the clothes of these girls are so tight that I do not even consentrat what to think.

Lan Zhan smiled, his ears turned red after hearing about the blowjob and he was smiling from above. Wei wuxian glare at him.

" Stop laughing at me , " Wei wuxian pout , I am so stupid , and is he smiling this is strange , whatever.

Now he was embarrassed about what he had said and he also told about of that night.


I hope you like it ,
And don't think that I am pervert.

Just for fun 😊 .

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