fanfiction (1)

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"ahh cmon really?" i whined and sera rolled her eyes
"we have been playing for hours and its almost 2 am" she said
"i need sleep y/n! i get that we just finished our exams and we are on our summer vacation from tomorrow but let me sleep for the night"
"but we dont sleep the night before summer vacation!"
"but this year, i am going to sleep because IM TIRED" sera argued back and i sighed
"alright alright go off pussy, ill do something else while you get your beauty sleep" i said 
"wow such a lovely cousin i have" she said 
"i know right? your cousin is really awesome" i said and sera rolled her eyes once again and i laughed
"alright im going off then, have fun alone" sera said 
"yeah yeah i'll have tons of fun even without you!" i said and sera laughed
"get some sleep tomorrow though, take care"
"yeahhhh im hanging up bye bitch"
"see you shit face" she said and she hung up the call and i moved away from the monitor.

im alone now. what should i do?

i started spinning in my spinny office chair and took a look at my room which is basically covered with treasure posters.

"what do you think i should do jeongwoo?" i asked the 'crying meme face jeongwoo' poster that i have 
"oh wait i can read a fanfic.. it's been a while" i said as i went back to my monitor and searched up for some treasure fanfics on wattpad.

after a while of scrolling to the dead bottom, i found a very.. strange looking fanfiction. it had no name, no cover, no author, nothing except for 'BANG YEDAM' in the description.

"it's been a while since ive read a yedam one.. what do you think?" i asked turning to my yedee plush which obviously doesnt respond and i nodded to myself as i opened up the fanfiction.

the story started off with the main character going out to a supermarket and finding yedam crying outside of it and yedam explaining how life has not been the greatest for him and that he came here as an escape from reality and yedam then asking the main character to tag along with him since he is lonely and the main character agreed. they went to an amusement park and went on a few rides that yedam wanted to go to and while coming back it started raining and it was dark and yedam.. got hit by a truck?

"what the actual fuck is this?" i said as i read out last part of the story.

'yedam escaped his reality for good.. thanks to you :)'

"what..." i mumbled as i looked at the fanfiction's details once again.

no readers either? nothing?

"no wonder, this is so fucking bad- how can you kill yedam- ughhhhh" i groaned as i turned off my monitor and went over to my bed and cuddled yedee
"this just made my mood worse, im never going to read a yedam fanfic like that.." i said as i looked at yedee one more time before i turned off the lights and finally went to sleep.




(the next day)

"geez im so bored" i said to no one in particular
"sera also left me to hang out with her friends.. ugh why am i a loner again?" i got up from my bed and went over to the living room to see nobody.
"oh yeah.. mom left to the weird neighbors house, dad is in a business trip.." i said to myself and i sighed.
i decided to walk around outside for a while so i went out locking the door to the house and i started walking around.
i then somehow ended up at the supermarket around here.
i went in, roamed around aimlessly and decided to buy myself some candy and exited the supermarket.

and that's when i heard it.

someone's crying.

i looked around to find the source and i walked to the back of the building to see a boy crying. he seemed.. very familiar.

"a-ah.. excuse me.." i mumbled and the boy flinched and shot his head up from his arms and looked at me.

and that's when i saw someone that i never thought i'd be seeing here.

"BANG YEDAM?!" i yelled and yedam immediately motioned me to lower my voice
"s-sorry" i said as i bowed down 
"it's alright" he said, his voice sounding way worse than how he normally speaks.
"are you.. okay?" i asked and yedam looked at me for a while and then he laughed, it wasn't his normal cute laugh but it was dry and clearly sarcastic.
"nope" he simply said and then motioned me to sit beside him and i gulped, doing what he said.
"i.. didn't think you'll be here.." i said 
"i didnt either but here we are" he said with a smile and i looked at him with concern
"what do you mean by that?" i asked
"why are you here?" he asked me a question 
"uh- i.. was bored" i said and he smiled
"being bored is not fun huh?"

"well.. im here to escape from reality"


no way...

i stared at him with a shook expression and he stared back at me with the same smile hanging on his face.

no fucking way..

"life has not been great.. the management has been treating me and the members horrible.. diets, meetings, media training, cyber bullying.. it's been hard"
"and me having depression doesnt help.. im not allowed to go to therapy as well.."


this is the fanfiction...

am i in the fanfiction-

"i-.. i'm.. sorry to hear that.." i said and yedam simply smiled
"it's fine.. i'll be fine since.. im escaping today" he said and i didn't want to hear any of this anymore.
"tell me this is a dream" i said and yedam laughed
"i wish it was.. i wish it was just a bad dream.." he said and i inhaled sharply.

yedam will die today?

"hey.. since we have nothing better to do, how about we go to an amusement park? it's been a while" yedam asked and i felt tears brim in my eyes

yedam will.. die?

i.. can't let that happen..

he's young..

"sure" i said putting on a small smile and yedam smiled back as he helped me get up

he's talented.. 

"if you are a fan of mine they you would know that im not a fan of fast rides" he said and i nodded
"we can just do the slower ones" i said 
"yeah thanks"

he has so much more that he can do in his life..

"let's take the bus" yedam said and i nodded as we started walking to the bus stand while eating the candies that i bought earlier

and i can't let him end it this way..

"i rarely ride buses so this is going to be fun" i said 
"oh? i ride buses every once in a while for school and stuff but mostly the subway" yedam said
"damn ive never been on a subway before" i said and yedam chuckled
"i'll make sure to take you on one if we meet again after this" he said and i smiled
"i'll wait for you"

i wont let him escape.

"wait i never asked your name haha" yedam said while laughing and i chuckled
"y/n.. y/n l/n" i said and he nodded
"y/n..." he mumbled to himself 

i'll save him tonight.

"the bus is here, let's go" yedam said and i followed him into the bus.

bang yedam x reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now