in for some BL (1)

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"yah why are you being so clingy?" hyunsuk said, trying to eat his lunch in peace while jihoon was hugging him.
"cant i just hug my boyfriend in peace? you didn't come home last night" jihoon said 
"you can hug me later! now eat" hyunsuk said as he tried to push his boyfriend off of him but no avail.
"gosh you guys are literally cant go for a minute without being disgusting" jeongwoo said
"you are just jealous that haruto doesn't do this to you" jihoon said with a smirk and hyunsuk smacked him
"shut up and eat park jihoon" 
"hey haruto gets clingy all the time as well! but you guys doing it out in public!" jeongwoo argued and they continued to argue while hyunsuk hit the both of them

"maybe we should have sat somewhere peaceful" yedam said as he looked at the trio 
"ahh hyunsuk oppa and jihoon oppa are so married" i said as i watched all the three of them still argue

i, y/n l/n, am a hopeless romantic who is especially into BL and i also have a pretty 'BL' friend circle if i do say so myself so i never really found it wrong to ship all of my guy friends with each other and i still hype them up and build ships every now and then, its just fun.

"more than half of our friends are dating each other" yedam said and i laughed
"you are the only single guy left here" 
"you too"
"well im a girl so i dont exactly count and besides.. isnt it time for us to make a ship for you already?" 
"no thanks i'd rather not have anyone" yedam said and i pouted
"really? no one?" 
"not even asahi oppa? yoshi oppa? junghwannie?"
"doesn't jaehyuk hyung have a crush on asahi hyung?"
"oh yeah... scratch that- but cmon its not fair that i dont get to tease you-" i was cut off by yedam who put his chopsticks down and tucked my free strands of hair behind my ear.
"you really need to wear some kind of clip for your hair.. from what i know, hair doesnt taste that good" yedam said and i suddenly  felt my heart beat sky rock and my face felt hotter than usual so i turned around and faced my plate and continued eating as if nothing happened.

okay.. i may or may not have a crush on my best friend.

but here's the deal- yedam is really just out of my league and there is really no way that he would ever fall for me considering that he had never ever fell for anyone in his whole entire life and i am pretty much considered a 'sister' to him probably.

and yedam having a boyfriend sounds wayyy more possible than him falling for me. so i just try my best to block out my feelings as much as i cant and try not to lead myself on by the things that he does.

"you dont have any class for the next hour dont you?" yedam suddenly asked and i nodded
"well then let's go to the library together, i have to refer a few books there for my assignment" 
"alright, i have nothing better to do anyways" i said and yedam chuckled and then we ate in silence while watching the trio still bicker on.

when we finally finished our lunch, yedam and i started to make our way to the library, i brough my laptop with me so that i can maybe watch some kdrama or something while im at it.
once we got to the library i grabbed the seats for me and yedam while yedam went out to search for the books that he needs to refer.
i started studying for a good 15 minutes but then i lost interest and i started watching a horror kdrama instead.
while watching the drama, i suddenly heard a phone ring and i took off my headphones and looked at yedam's place to see that he left his phone. i carefully took his phone and saw the caller id. 


"it's yedam's dad.. why is he calling now?" i mumbled to myself as i looked around the library to see many random people but no yedam.
"maybe it's important.." i said as i got up from my chair and started to walk around the library to find him. 
i finally stopped at the history section to see yedam with another guy that i didn't know.

"alright then i'll get going, enjoy" he said while winking and yedam blushed but waved at him and watched him disappear. 

honly shit-

"BITCH WHO IS HE??" i asked and yedam looked at me with a surprised expression
"what are you doing here?" he asked
"oh yeah.." i looked at his phone to see that the call disappeared. "your dad called you" 
"huh? really?" he asked as he took the phone from me and looked through his calls
"can you bring these books back to the desk while i call my dad?" yedam asked and i nodded and i took his stack of books and walked back to our desk.

after bringing the books back i waited for yedam to come back to the desk. my mind was clouded with the scene that just happened right in front of me.

who is that guy? why didn't yedam tell me about him?

are they dating? are they friends? or.. even worse.. friends with benefits

"aish what the heck am i even thinking.." i mumbled to myself as i laid my head on the desk and sighed

as much as i should be happy that i finally have a person that i can tease yedam with.. i still feel.. weird about the whole thing.

curse myself for falling for my best friend.

"anything wrong?" i heard yedam ask and i immediately shot up from the desk and looked at him holding two coffee cups. he placed one of them on my side and opened his own.
"ah.. thanks" i said as i opened up mine as well
"you didnt answer me-"
"bitch you didnt answer me! who is he? is he your secret boyfriend? why havent you told me about him? why did you blush when he winked at you? did the anti romantic bang yedam suddenly fall for a mortal?" i ranted and yedam looked confused as ever
"hold up- what?" 
"oh shut up! i saw you blush like a mad man when he winked at you! now tell me! who is he?" 
"wait why are you instantly assuming that i have a crush on him- he's just a friend that i made in my history class" 
"then care to explain why you were blushing?" i asked him with a smirk and he simply just stared at me.
"see? you dont have an explaination! you like him dont you?"
"i dont but whatever" he said as he opened up his laptop and started to flip through the books he collected.

why is he denying it? 

"what's his name anyway?" i asked and yedam looked at me
"i dont want him to be a nameless person in my head ya know!" i said and yedam sighed
"kim doyoung"

kim doyoung...

"is he older or younger than you?"
"younger, he's the same age as ruto"
"ahh that's cute" he's into someone who's younger.

"you don't share any other classes with him?"
"why are you interrogating me now?" yedam asked as he turned to look at me straight in the eyes, which immediately sent shivers down my spine.
"because im curious" 
"and why exactly?"
"because! he might be your future boyfriend so i want to get to know him" i said and yedam gave me the 'seriously?' look and i just smirked
"think whatever you want but let me finish my assignment in peace geez.." he said as he continued to work on his assignment and i pouted but left him alone since i knew he would only get annoyed of me if i push him further.

after spending an hour at the library, yedam and i parted ways and went to attend our classes for the rest of the day.

"gosh im so freaking tired.." i groaned as i walked over to my lockers. while walking, i suddenly bumped into someone and i fell on my back.
"lord im sorry! are you alright?" the person asked me and i looked up to see someone that i didnt think i'll encounter this soon.


"im fine" i said as i started to pick up my bag and doyoung helped me up
"you are y/n right?" he asked and i looked at him confused but nodded anyway

did yedam tell him about me?

"well noona, im kim doyoung, pleasure to meet you" he said as he bowed down and i bowed as well
"well i'll see you around then noona" he said with a smile and walked away and i watched him disappear.

damn he simply introduced himself to a random stranger just like that while i struggle to communicate to a person i've known for years- this kid really is something..

he had something that i don't have.. confidence.

"maybe that's why yedam likes him.." i mumbled to myself 
"what did you say?" i immediately flinched and turned around to see yedam standing beside me
"n-nothing! let's go home!" i said as i put all my stuff that i dont need in my lockers and i started to walk out and yedam followed me.

bang yedam x reader (oneshots)Where stories live. Discover now