the elevator (1)

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when i say i have the worst sense of direction, i mean it.

"uhm excuse me.. do you know where room 608 is?" i asked

i got lost in the yg building AGAIN.

sure, it's only been weeks since i joined here as a trainee but the way to my practice room should be registered in my brain by now- yet here we are.

"ah it's at the 24th floor, you can take the elevator which is in that way" the staff said pointing to the direction where the elevator is and i thanked them politely and walked towards the elevator and waited for it to come down.

once the elevator opened i immediately went it after a little group of staffs came out of it, i took my regular spot in the elevator, the corner and waited for the door to close.
a guy around my age came rushsing in while placing his hands on the door making sure it doesn't close on him and then took his spot on the other end of the elevator while panting heavily.
once the guy caught his breathe, he turned towards me.

"are you new here perhaps?" he asked and i finally got a clear look at his face and that's when i realized..
"bang yedam?" i asked, surprised, and yedam seemed surprised as well by the fact that i recognized him
"kpop star 2 fan?" he asked while chuckling
"my parents were, i kinda know you from the stray kids survival show" i said and yedam giggled while nodding
"that got viral didn't it?" he asked and i nodded
"you are pretty much a celebrity" i said and he shook his head in denial
"nah im not that big of a deal really" he said while laughing and i can't help but smile at his goofiness
"so anyway, you didn't answer my question" he said
"ah- i joined here as a trainee a few weeks ago" i said
"a new trainee huh? so your practice room is room 608 if im right"
"oh damn" i mumbled and he laughed
"i literally can't remember the way to my practice room and you know where other trainees practice?" i asked
"well i've been here for years so it's not really a big deal" he said
"if you put it that way, then i guess so" i said and he simply smiled at me.

and suddenly the elevator abruptly stopped which made it shake violently. i immediately gripped on the handrail for support and yedam did the same. i looked at the floor designator to see that it was stuck in between floor 18 and 19.

"are you okay?" yedam asked when the elevator stopped shaking and i nodded
"the elevator though.." i said as i went over to the floor designator.
"the building is old so i'm not that surprised that the elevator doesn't work.. maybe try the help line" yedam said as he pointed to the emergency button and i pushed the button immediately.
"hello? is there any problem?" the person from the other line spoke
"the main elevator is stuck between floor 18 and 19" yedam said
"we will call for the elevator repair unit in a few, please wait" the person said and the line went dead.
"so.. what now?" i asked him and he shrugged
"we wait" he said and we awkwardly stood in front of the floor designator.

"the repair unit is not available right now, it will take a while to call a different repair unit and to work on the elevator" the person on the line spoke
"how long will we be here?" yedam asked
"the time estimated for the repair is 2 hours considering that it is stuck between floors and it could take even longer since we don't have our regular unit" the person spoke and i looked at yedam trying to process everything they have said.
"2 hours?" i asked in disbelief
"alright thanks" yedam said and the line went dead again.

"we are going to be stuck in here for 2 hours?" i asked again and yedam sighed
"i need to go to my practice room!" I said
"well forget about it because we are not getting out of here anytime soon" he said and i sighed and sat down next to the floor designator and yedam sat beside me.
"so what's your name?" yedam asked and i turned to his direction only to meet his beautiful black orbs staring at me.
"i- ah.. y/n.. i'm y/n l/n" i said and yedam smiled
"y/n l/n.. that's a nice name"
"i suppose it is"
"well what's your position?"
"so we are playing 21 questions?"
"im just trying to distract you but sure"
"well i applied for vocal but i kinda started to train for rapping as well"
"oh that's interesting.. so you'd probably be a lead vocal and a sub rapper in a group"
"i.. kinda like working alone?"
"a solo artist huh?"
"yeah probably but i don't mind being in a group either i guess"
"same here honestly, as long as i debut, i'll be just fine" yedam said as he looked up at the elevator's ceiling
"yeah.. as long as i debut" i mumbled to myself as i did the same.
"your turn" yedam suddenly said and i turned to face him
"we are playing 21 questions, aren't we?" he said while chuckling
"we are?"
"but you said- ahh alright.. uh.. where were you going?" i asked and yedam gave me a confused look
"i mean- where were you heading before the elevator broke down?"
"ah.. to the treasure A practice room"
"oh yeah, so you were going to practice for the monthly assessment?"
"no we were probably going to have my surprise birthday party there" he said and i almost choked on my spit
"a what? is that even allowed?" i asked and he laughed at my reaction
"no but we have been doing that for a few years now so i don't think we will get caught"
"the cctv?"
"broken, no one really repaired it so yeah, it will probably be repaired for recording the survival show though" he said and i nodded along

"so it's your birthday today?"
"yeah, i'm officially 17 today" he said with a smile
"i'm sorry that you got stuck in a broken elevator with a random stranger on your birthday instead of having a surprise birthday party with your friends" i said and yedam laughed
"i don't think it's that bad.. and besides, we are not exactly strangers now are we?" he said and i chuckled
"eh i don't know, are we?"
"i'd like to think we are not"
"well then, we are not strangers"
"see? now spending time in a broken elevator with a non- stranger is in fact a lovely thing" yedam said and i laughed
"maybe it is" i mumbled as i took off my bag and i started rummaging and pulling out random stuff
"what are you doing?" yedam asked as he inspected the things that i pulled out of my bag.

a cupcake, a little candle and a lighter

"are you gonna set the cupcake on fire?" he asked and i laughed
"improvising" i simply said as i stuck the candle on the cupcake and then set the candle on fire and held the box with the cupcake next to him.

"there we go, happy 17th birthday bang yedam"

and yedam simply stared at me.

"yah blow the candle already! we shouldn't set fire in an elevator anyway" i said and yedam laughed
"alrighty, thank you y/n" he said as he blew the candle and i clapped once he did
"did you make a wish?"
" i did" he said while pulling out the candle from the cupcake
"what is it?" i asked and he smiled
"debut, i want to debut in treasure" he said and i hummed as a response
"you will debut in treasure, this is bang yedam we are talking about" i said and yedam laughed
"you never know" he said
"yeah that's true too but when you do debut, remember that i called it right on your 17th birthday" i said and yedam laughed
"will do.. thanks" yedam said

and just when we were eating the cupcake together, the elevator suddenly shook violently which made us grab onto the handrail immediately to save ourselves from falling.

"why is this shaking now?!" i yelled
"help line" yedam said and i pushed the help button again
"THE ELEVATOR IS SHAKING" i yelled into the speaker
"we will look into the problem- just stay calm"
"what do you mean 'look into the problem' it seems like it's about to fall down!"
"please stay calm, the elevator would stop shaking in any minute" and then the line went dead yet again
"calm down y/n, just stay at your spot till this stops" yedam said
"do you really think potentially falling from 19 floors is not a big deal?!"
"we are not going to fall!"
"why are you so freaking optimistic?!"

the elevator suddenly came to a halt in great force which made me lose grip on the handrail and yedam immediately caught me by my waist while grabbing onto the handrail himself and i subconsciously put my hands on his shoulders. i felt his warmth take over all of my body as my heart started to beat at an abnormal pace.

"so.. me being optimistic is a bad thing?" yedam said which made me snap back to reality and i pulled myself off of him.
"i- ah.. sorry about that" i mumbled in embarrassment and yedam chuckled
"it's alright"

"some staff from floor 15 were trying to use the elevator causing it to shake violently, we made an announcement that the elevator is currently jammed and is restricted of people's use, so this  won't happen again" the person from the help line suddenly spoke
"thank you" yedam said and the line went dead again
"my lord that was tiring" i said as i sat back down and yedam laughed and sat down beside me again.
"so what do we do now?" he asked and i thought about it for a while.
"i have an mp3" i said as i pulled out my old pink mp3 out of my bag
"haven't seen these in a while" yedam said as he took the mp3 from me and turned it on while i pulled out my earphones from my bag and connected it to the mp3 and gave one of the buds to him.
"oh? we are listening to songs now huh?" he asked and i nodded
"my taste is really good mind you" i said and yedam laughed
"it better be" he said and i turned on the music and the both of us suddenly went quiet listening to the songs and sometimes even sing along to some of them.

and that's how we spent the first hour.

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